王晓东 中国科学院理化技术研究所研究员,低温科学与技术全国重点实验室副主任,教授/博士生导师
● 湿润动力学与界面现象
● 相变传热与微尺度换热
● 液滴与液膜
● 纳米多孔介质传热
● 半导体热电发电与制冷
● 燃料电池
aaaa王晓东,男,教授,博导,现任华北电力大学工程热物理研究中心主任。主要从事工程热物理领域的基础研究,已在国内外学术期刊上发表论文477篇,其中SCI收录382篇,EI收录432篇,论文被SCI他引12000余次,6篇入选ESI高被引论文, Web of Science H 因子69。获教育部自然科学一等奖1项(2012年,排名第2),获中国工程热物理学会吴仲华奖(2013年)。任 Canadian Journal of Physics 副主编,Membranes 编委,PLOS ONE 编委,Membrane Water Treatment 编委,International Journal of Thermal Sciences 客座编辑,Drying Technology 客座编辑,Advances in Mechanical Engineeringe首席客座编辑,Micro and Nanosystems专栏编辑,Nanoscience & Nanotechnology-Asia 编委,应用基础与工程科学学报编委等职。任Member of the Scientific Council of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer,中国工程热物理学会传热传质分会专业委员会委员等职。
● 王晓东,中国工程热物理学会吴仲华奖,2013;
● 徐进良、王晓东、李玉秀、甘云华、张伟,“微纳尺度多相流动与传热传质的基础研究”,教育部自然科学一等奖,教育部,2012;
● 王晓东,清华大学优秀博士后,2007;
● 王晓东,清华大学优秀博士论文一等奖,2004;
● 王晓东,北京市第七届优秀论文一等奖,2004。
● 国家重点研发计划项目. 项目名称:质子交换膜燃料电池与氢基内燃机混合发电系统技术, 项目编号:2022YFB4003700, 起止日期:2022.12-2026.11
● 航空发动机及燃气轮机基础科学中心重点项目. 项目名称:微纳尺度涡轮叶片高效冷却技术, 项目编号:P2022-B-Ⅱ-029-001, 起止日期:2022.10-2024.10
● 科技部国家高端外国专家项目(文教类). 项目名称:地质封存条件下超临界二氧化碳微纳尺度湿润动力学与多相流动的基础研究, 项目编号:G2022124002L, 起止日期:2022.1-2023.12
● 科技部国家高端外国专家项目(文教类). 项目名称:耐久性界面冷凝换热机理研究, 项目编号:G202124007L, 起止日期:2021.1-2022.12
● 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室自主课题重点项目. 项目名称:太阳能光热与燃煤机组互补发电系统耦合特性研究, 项目编号:LAPS2020-01, 起止日期:2020.7-2021.12
● 国家自然科学基金重点项目. 项目名称:微纳液滴动力学特性及操控液滴强化热质传递的基础研究, 项目编号:51936004, 起止日期:2020.1-2024.12
● 国家自然基金创新研究群体. 项目名称:能量传递转化与高效动力系统, 项目编号:51821004, 起止日期:2019.1-2024.12(群体骨干)
● 国家自然科学基金. 项目名称:传热传质学, 项目编号:51525602, 起止日期:2016.1-2020.12
● 国家自然基金面上项目. 项目名称:微型热电系统的多物理场耦合建模与性能优化研究, 项目编号:51276060, 起止日期:2013.1-2016.12
● 国家自然基金面上项目. 项目名称:复杂流体在纳米微结构表面上的湿润动力学与相变研究, 项目编号:51076009, 起止日期:2011.1-2013.12
● 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)子课题. 项目名称:大型燃煤发电机组变工况特性及能耗控制方法(子课题), 项目编号:2009CB219803-02, 起止日期:2009.1-2013.12
● 中央高校基础科研业务费重点项目. 项目名称:非牛顿流体在固体表面上的铺展与蒸发. 项目编号:12ZX12, 起止日期:2012.1-2014.12
● 中央高校基础科研业务费重点项目. 项目名称:电场作用下微纳液滴界面输运特性及强化传热机理. 项目编号:13ZX13, 起止日期:2014.1-2015.12
● 中央高校基础科研业务费重点项目. 项目名称:大功率LED多场耦合发光机理及其高效散热技术.项目编号:11ZG01, 起止日期:2011.7-2012.12
● 国家自然基金面上项目. 项目名称:质子交换膜燃料电池液态水传递机理与电池性能研究, 项目编号:50876009, 起止日期:2009.1-2011.12
● 国家自然基金重点项目. 项目名称:非平衡和非均匀体系的工质气液表面张力与动力特性, 项目编号:50636020, 起止日期:2007.1-2010.12
● 北京科技大学冶金工程研究院基础理论研究基金. 项目名称:质子交换膜燃料电池多尺度多物理场传递基础理论与逆向最佳化方法, 项目编号:2009-017, 起止日期:2009.6-2010.12
● 中国博士后科学基金. 项目名称:薄液膜的维持稳定性与界面传热传质分析, 项目编号:2003034018, 起止日期:2004.1-2005.6
● 横向课题. 项目名称:高导热碳/碳复合材料热导率建模研究, 委托单位:航天材料及工艺研究所. 起止日期:2012.7-2013.1
● 横向课题. 项目名称:碳材料典型结构特征的数值分析与热导率建模研究, 委托单位:航天材料及工艺研究所. 起止日期:2014.9-2015.12
● 横向课题. 项目名称:氧化铝纳米隔热材料传热及遮光剂辐射特性计算方法研究, 委托单位:航天材料及工艺研究所. 起止日期:2016.5-2019.4
在国内外学术期刊上发表论文477篇,国内外学术会议上发表论文93篇,专著章节2章,其中SCI检索论文382篇,EI检索论文432篇,已被SCI他引12000余次,6篇入选ESI(1%)高被引论文,6篇入选扩展板ESI(3%)高被引论文,Web of Science的H因子为69。
Wang X D, Yan W M, Duan Y Y. Multiphase Flow Research: Chapter 11-Two-phase model of PEM fuel cells for optimal flow field design of bipolar plates. Nova Science Publishers, 2009: 621-707. (ISBN: 978-1-60692-448-8)
Wang T H, Wang X D*. Encyclopedia of ionic liquids: chapter-dynamics of ionic liquids confined in carbon-based nanomaterial towards energy storage and conversion application. Springer Singapore, 2023: 332-338. (ISBN: 978-981-33-4220-0)
(二)期刊论文(*Corresponding Author)
Zhang J*, Tan Z K, Fan C Z, Tan J Y, Luo G A, Lu W Y, Liang Z Q, Xu C, He Y X, Wang X D, Wang Z M*. Research on anode inlet pressure control strategy of PEMFC through hardware-in-the-loop test. Accepted by Energy Conversion and Management X, 2025, : 100983. (SCI/EI)
Chen Z L, Zhang B X*, Zhang C L, Xu J H, Zheng X Y, Zhu K Q, Wang Y L, Xie H, Bo Z, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Hierarchical fault diagnosis and health monitoring of ammonia-fueled hybrid power generation systems by an ensemble deep learning method. Accepted by Energy and Fuel, 2025. (SCI/EI)
Chen Z L, Zhang B X*, Zhang C L, Xu J H, Zheng X Y, Zhu K Q, Wang Y L, Xie H, Bo Z, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Hierarchical fault diagnosis-mitigation for a high-power proton exchange membrane fuel cell with an ammonia-based hydrogen source based on a deep learning method. Journal of Power Sources, 2025, 640: 236763. (SCI/EI)
Huang C L*, Du C K, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Thermal switching performance of surface plasmon polaritons in Ag2Se quantum-Dot/Polymer composite film. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2025, 244: 126943. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y L, Wang Z Y, Qiao J A, Li H, Wang X D, Cao B, Zhu T T, Zhang B X*, Wang M M*. Materials and flow fields of bipolar plates in polymer electrolyte membrane water electrolysis: A review. Energy Review, 2025, 4: 100132. (SCI/EI)
Sun L Y, Lin L*, Zheng S F*, Bai M J, Lee D J, Wang X D*. The mass transport characteristics and performance improvement with the nonuniform block flow channel in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Physics of Fluids, 2025, 37: 035147. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Shi S H, Wang Y X, Jia Q H, Wei B J, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Freezing property of a droplet impacting supercooled hydrophilic surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2025, 37: 037110. (SCI/EI)
Wei B J, Shi L K, Gao S R*, Shi S H, Liu Z, Wang Y F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Experimental study on dynamics and freezing characteristics of droplet impact on supercooled surfaces. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2025, 213: 109811. (SCI/EI)
Huang C L*, Du C K, Wang X D*. Thermal conductivity of surface phonon polaritons in SiC elliptical nanofibers. Physica Scripta, 2025, 100: 035946. (SCI/EI)
Zhang C L, Zhang B X*, Xu J H, Chen Z L, Zheng X Y, Zhu K Q, Xie H, Bo Z, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Fault diagnosis and removal for hybrid power generation systems based on an ensemble deep learning diagnostic method with self-healing strategies. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2025, 109: 1297-1313. (SCI/EI)
Wang H C, Liu G, Yan K X, Yang Y R, Deng H W, Zheng S F*, Du Q*, Wang X D*. The matching effect of the cold-to-hot fluid on the thermohydraulic characteristics of heat exchangers using gyroid-typed triply periodic minimal surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2025, 37: 025198. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Wang L Q, Lu W, Zhu K Q, Wang Y B, Wang S Y, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. The overall thermal performance enhancement in an internal cooling channel by the hierarchical-truncated rib scheme. Physics of Fluids, 2025, 37: 025173. (SCI/EI)
An J J, Chen B, Huang C L*, Wang X D*. Boiling heat transfer enhanced by covering copper mesh on powder packed beds. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025, 268: 125881. (SCI/EI)
Chen Y Y, Lu J M, Liu Z K, Liu Y L, Huang T M, Ren X, Wang X D*, Wan Z M*. Comprehensive evaluation on a heat self-balanced low-temperature ammonia reforming-based high-power hybrid power generation system combined with proton exchange membrane fuel cell and internal combustion engine. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2025, 49: 144755. (SCI/EI)
Zhang Y, Zheng S F*, Meng J X, Shi H D, Yang Y R, Li H W, Sundén B, Wang X D*. Thermal-hydraulic performances and characteristics of hierarchical rib arrangements in serpentine cooling channels. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025, 264: 125481. (SCI/EI)
Zhang C L, Zhang B X*, Chen Z L, Xu J H, Zheng X Y, Zhu K Q, Wang Y L, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Fault diagnosis of the hybrid system composed of proton exchange membrane fuel cells and ammonia-hydrogen fueled internal combustion engines under adaptive power allocation strategies. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2025, 74: 104715. (SCI/EI)
Wang D Q, Wang Z J, Wang S Y, Yang Y R, Zheng S F*, Wang X D*. Coalescence-induced wetting transition of water droplets on nanostructured surface. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2025, 162: 108585. (SCI/EI)
Wang H C, Zheng S F*, Liu G, Yan K X, Yang Y R, Deng H W, Du Q, Wang X D. Influences of the flow rate and fluid volume in air-kerosene cross-flow heat exchangers using Gyroid-typed triply periodic minimal surfaces. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025, 263: 125336. (SCI/EI)
Gong Y T, Liu F*, Sui J, Wang X D, Jin H G. Thermodynamic performance comparison of H2O/LiBr and ionic liquid working pairs in a novel absorption compression heat transformer system. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2025, 57: 03115. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Fu X Y, Lu W, Zhu K Q, Wang Y B, Wang S Y, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. The effect of retraction-rebound dynamics on the contact time of rebounding-coalescing droplets on a superhydrophobic surface with or without a macro-ridge. Physics of Fluids, 2025, 37: 012101. (SCI/EI)
Wang L Q, Zhang B X*, Lu W, Chen Y J, Wang Y B, Bo Z, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Performance evaluation and enhancement of turbulent flow and convective heat transfer under the coupling effect of Dean and spanwise vortices. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2025, 210: 109614. (SCI/EI)
Chen Z L, Zhang B X*, Zhang C L, Xu J H, Zheng X Y, Zhu K Q, Wang Y L, Bo Z, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Deep learning-based fault diagnosis of high-power PEMFCs with ammonia-based hydrogen sources. Journal of Power Sources, 2025, 629: 236018. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y B, Liu H X, Wang C X, Yan K C, Wang S Y, Zhang B X, Bo Z, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Effect of electrode arrangement on heat transfer enhancement by electrohydrodynamic conduction pumps in a rectangular channel. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025, 259: 124884. (SCI/EI)
Yang L T, Zheng S F*, Wang R T, Chen K, Wang Y F, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wang X D*. The enhancement effects of internal convection on the heat transport of condensing droplets out of pure steam and moist air. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2025, 236: 126397. (SCI/EI)
Zhu K Q, Ding Q, Zhang B X, Xu J H, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wang Z M*, Wang X D*. An integrated experimental and numerical investigation of performance and heat-mass transport dynamics in air-cooled PEMFCs with a bamboo-shaped flow field design. Applied Energy, 2025, 377: 124484. (SCI/EI)
Jin J X, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Pseudo-phases of supercritical CO2 at supercritical CO2-subcritical H2O interface: A molecular dynamics simulation. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 122026. (SCI/EI)
Wei B J, Shi L K, Gao S R*, Shi S H, Liu Z, Wang Y F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Phase diagram and boundary of impact outcomes. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 127160. (SCI/EI)
Lu W, Chen Y J*, Zhang B X, Yu B, Sun D L, Wang B H, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. The effects of aspect ratio on the heat transfer characteristics of boiling mini-channel flow. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 123351. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y B, Yan K C, Wang C X, Wang S Y, Zhang B X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Optimization study on fluid flow and heat transfer in a rectangular channel with cross-scale ribs for turbine blade internal cooling. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 125109. (SCI/EI)
Xu J H, Zhang B X, Yan H Z, Zhu K Q, Yang Y R, Huang T M, Li S, Bo Z, Wang Z M*, Wang X D*. A decoupling control of air supply for the PEM fuel cell with slide mode-active disturbance rejection controller. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2024, 72: 104051. (SCI/EI)
Zhang C L, Zhang B X*, Xu J H, Chen Z L, Zheng X Y, Zhu K Q, Bo Z, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Fault diagnosis of the hybrid system composed of high-power PEMFCs and ammonia-hydrogen fueled internal combustion engines using ensemble deep learning methods. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 92: 1215-1235. (SCI/EI)
Chen W H*, Bai W C, Luo D, Bandala A A, Wang X D, Hoang A T. Optimization of material properties and performance of flexible thermoelectric generators with/without graphene. Energy Conversion and Management X, 2024, 24: 100741. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Shi S H, Wang Y X, Liu Z, Wei B J, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Experimental investigation on freezing characteristics of a droplet impacting a cold surface. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 117132. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Shi S H, Sun J J, Liu Z, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Experimental investigation of contact time of bouncing droplet on vibrating substrates. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 117112. (SCI/EI)
Liu Z, Shi S H, Gao S R*, Wei B J, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Mechanism of double droplets off-center impact. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 107146. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y F, Cai Z H, Wang Y B, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Zheng S F*, Lee D J*, Wang X D*. Progressive evolution of viscous dissipation mechanism from the macroscale to the nanoscale. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2024, 998: A21. (SCI/EI)
Wang S Y, Wang Z J, Wang D Q, Wang Y B, Wang Y F, Zhang B X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Vapor nucleation on hybrid-wetting nano-convex surfaces: The competition between intrinsic wettability and topography. Langmuir, 2024, 40: 24162-24713. (SCI/EI)
Chen X, Zheng S F*, Shi S H, Yang L T, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wang X D*. Droplet impact on the superhydrophobic surface with singularities. Langmuir, 2024, 40: 23071-23080. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Shi S H, Liu Z, Wei B J, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. System dynamics of water droplet impacting flexible cantilever beams. Langmuir, 2024, 40: 22401-22408. (SCI/EI)
Ma Q, Wang Y F, Wu C W, Yang Y R, Zheng S F*, Tran T*, Wang X D*. Pancake bouncing of impacting nanodroplets on smooth and nanopillared surfaces. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 159: 108108. (SCI/EI)
Deng B, Wang B B*, Wang X, Deng J W, Xu J M, Wang X D*. A facile preparation of durable superhydrophobic PFA coatings with superior anti-icing, anti-corrosion and self-cleaning performance. Surfaces and Interfaces, 2024, 53: 105085. (SCI/EI)
Huang C L*, Wang Y B, Hsu S H, Wang X D*. Tunable thermal conductivity of surface phonon polarizations in SiC thin film. Physica Scripta, 2024, 99: 105968. (SCI/EI)
Wang Z J, Wang S Y, Wang D Q, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J. Whether nano hydrophilic spots control the condensation pattern: The mechanism of critical wettability. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 158: 107952, 2024. (SCI/EI)
Chen X, Sun J J, Zheng S F*, Wei B J, Zhang L Z, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Droplet impact on superhydrophobic mesh surfaces. Langmuir, 2024, 40: 17049-17059. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Liu Z, Shi S H, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Off-center impact dynamics of a droplet against hydrophobic surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 087101. (SCI/EI)
Wei B J, Liu Z, Shi S H, Gao S R*, Wang Y F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Droplet impact outcomes: Effect of wettability and Weber number. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 077144. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Zhang Y Y, Lu W, Lee D J, Wang S Y, Wang Y B, Yan W M, Hsu S H, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Rebound dynamics of multiple droplets symmetrically/asymmetrically impacting macrotextured superhydrophobic surfaces. Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 299: 120550. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y F, Wang Y B, Zhang L Z, He X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Duu-Jong Lee*. Impact dynamics of nanodroplets on pillared surfaces. Physical Review Fluids, 2024, 9: 073602. (SCI/EI)
Xu J H, Zhang B X, Zhu K Q, Zheng X Y, Zhang C L, Chen Z L, Yang Y R, Huang T M, Bo Z, Wan Z M*, Hsu S H, Yan W M, Wang X D*. Fault diagnosis of PEMFC based on fatal and recoverable failures using multi-scale convolutional neural networks. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024. 80: 916-925. (SCI/EI)
Gong Y T, Liu F, Sui J, Wang X D*, Jin H G. Comparative analysis of thermodynamic performance of high-temperature absorption heat transformers using various ionic liquids as working pairs. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2024, 165: 434-445. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Huang X Y, Liu Z, Sun J J, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Double droplets impact an inclined superhydrophobic surface. Langmuir, 2024, 40: 12818-12827. (SCI/EI)
Huang C L*, Hu Z L, Wang Y B, Hsu S H, Wang X D*. Compression behavior of nanoparticle powder considering fractal aggregate for additive manufacturing. Ceramics International, 2024, 50: 26140-26148. (SCI/EI)
Huang T M, Xiao Y F, Yi D X, Ren X, Ma J M, Ding W, Chen Y Y, Wang Z M*, Wang X D, Zeng W. Enhancing heat transfer in proton exchange membrane fuel cells through obstructed cooling channels: A comprehensive study. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 250: 123326. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Jia Q H, Liu Z, Shi S H, Wang Y F, Zheng S F, Yang Y R, Hsu S H, Yan W M, Wang X D*. Bouncing dynamics of drops’ successive off-center impact. Langmuir, 2024, 40: 10759-10768. (SCI/EI)
Lu W, Chen Y J*, Zhang B X, Wang B H, Yu B, Sun D L, Zhang W, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Analysis of subcooled flows boiling in horizontal rectangular mini-channels under microgravity conditions. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2024, 51: 102607. (SCI/EI)
Cai Z H, Wang Y F, Zhang B X, Jia Q H, Yang Y R, Zheng S F*, Lee D J, Wang X D*. Impacting dynamics of nanodroplets on superhydrophobic surfaces decorated by a ridge. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 042116. (SCI/EI)
Huang T M, Yi D X, Ren X, Ma J M, Chen X, Qu C J, Chen Y Y, Wang X D, Wang Z M*, Effect of operating conditions of unmanned aerial vehicle powered by PEMFC on water and heat distributions of cell. International Journal of Green Energy, 2024, 21: 1815-1828. (SCI/EI)
Gu H H, Meng K X, Yuan R W, Xiao S Y, Shan Y Y, Zhu R, Deng Y J, Luo X J, Li R J, Liu L, Chen X, Shi Y P, Wang X D, Duan C H, Wang H*. Rewritable printing of ionic liquids nanofilm utilizing focused ion beam induced film wetting. Nature Communications, 2024, 15: 2949. (SCI/EI)
Wang Z J, Wang S Y*, Wang D Q, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J. The growth of condensed nanodroplets in electric fields: A molecular dynamics study. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 226: 125511. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Wang L Q, Ding Q, Zhu K Q, Xu J H, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wang X D*. The effect of curved membrane electrode assemblies on performances of parallel and interdigitated flow field PEMFCs with wavelike gas channels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 226: 125519. (SCI/EI)
Huang T M, Yi D X, Ren X, Ma J M, Xiao Y F, Ding W, Wan Z M*, Wang X D, Xie Y J, Zeng W. Optimization of gas diffusion layer thickness for high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Ionics, 2024, 30: 1511-1522. (SCI, EI)
Wang Y B, Wang Y F, Wang S Y, Zhang B X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Impact of a nanodroplet on liquid surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 032023. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Wang L Q, Lu W, Xu J H, Wang Y B, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Performance evaluation and enhancement of turbulent flow and convective heat transfer characteristics for turbine blade internal cooling. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 035152. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Jia Q H, Shi S H, Liu Z, Wei B J, Wang Y F, Zheng S F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Experimental study on contact time of a water droplet impact under controlled surface temperature. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 037133. (SCI/EI)
Lu W, Zhang Z R, Chen Y J*, Wang B H, Yu B, Sun D L, Zhang W, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Numerical study of flow boiling heat transfer in a mini-channel under hyper-gravity. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 037126. (SCI/EI)
Huang C L*, Lv Z G, Wang Y B, Zhao X P*, Wang X D*. Nanoparticle surface premelting-induced low-temperature sintering and large shrinkage of particle beds in additive manufacturing. Ceramics International, 2024, 50: 13935-13942. (SCI/EI)
Zheng S F, Qiu Y P, Zhang Y, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Li H W, Sundén B, Wang X D*. Scale effect of micro ribs on the turbulent transport in an internal cooling channel. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36, 025172. (SCI/EI)
Zheng S F, Lian W K, Meng J X, Yang Y R, Gao S R, Sundén B, Wang X D*. Effect of wall curvature on heat transfer and hydrodynamics in a ribbed cooling passage. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2024, 106: 109317. (SCI/EI)
Xu J H, Zhang B X, Yan H Z, Ding Q, Zhu K Q, Yang Y R, Huang M T, Li S, Wan Z M*, Wang X D*. Sliding mode–extended state observer control strategy to improve energy transfer of PEMFC connected DC-DC boost converter system. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2024, 63: 103654. (SCI/EI)
Wang D Q, Wang Z J, Wang S Y, Yang Y R, Zheng S F*, Lee D J, Wang X D*. Coalescence-induced jumping of nanodroplets in a perpendicular electric field: A molecular dynamics study. Langmuir, 2024, 40: 3248-3259. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y F, Wang Y B, Cai Z H, Ma Q, Yang Y R, Zheng S F*, Lee D J, Wang X D*. Binary collision dynamics of equal-sized nanodroplets. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2024, 979: A25. (SCI/EI)
Zhu K Q, Ding Q, Zhang B X, Xu J H, Li D D, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wan Z M*, Wang X D*. Performance enhancement of air-cooled PEMFC stack by employing tapered oblique fin channels: Experimental study of a full stack and numerical analysis of a typical single cell. Applied Energy, 2024, 358: 122595. (SCI/EI)
Zhang J*, Feng J X, Wang Z Y, Wu Y, Lu S W, Kong X Z, Huang T M, Wang Z, Wang X D, Wan Z M*. Study on the effect of static magnetic field strength and arrangement on the working performance of PEMFC with different flow fields. Energy Conversion and Management: X, 2024, 21: 100517. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Zhang Y Y, Xu J H, Zhu K Q, Wang Y B, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wang X D*. Rebound dynamics of two droplets asymmetrically impacting single-ridge superhydrophobic surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2024, 683: 133006. (SCI/EI)
Zheng S F, Lian W K, Meng J X, Wang H C, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Li H W, Sundén B, Wang X D*. An inverse optimization of turbulent flow and heat transfer for a cooling passage with hierarchically arranged ribs in turbine blades. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 220: 124961. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y L, Wang H, Wang C, He W*, Zhao Y L*, Wang X D. Droplet flow characteristics on experimentally measured gas diffusion layer surfaces of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2024, 590: 233801. (SCI/EI)
Wu D X, Lv Z G, Huang C L*, Wang X D*. Structure-stabilized SiO2 packed beds based on sawdust-doped for high-temperature thermal insulation. International Journal of Thermal Science, 2024, 196: 108714. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y B#, Huang L F#, Lan N, Wang S L, Zhang B X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Heat transfer enhancement by electrohydrodynamics in wavy channels. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 236: 121556. (SCI/EI)
Chen X, Zhang L Z, Wang Y F, Jin J X, Wang Y B, Yang Y R, Gao S R, Zheng S F, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Effect of asymmetry on the contact time of droplet impact on superhydrophobic cylindrical surfaces. Langmuir, 2023, 51: 19037-19047. (SCI/EI)
Chen X, Wang Y F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. The contact time of droplet impact on superhydrophobic cylindrical surfaces with a ridge. Langmuir, 2023, 39: 18644-18653. (SCI/EI)
Xu J H, Zhang B X, Yan H Z, Ding Q, Zhu K Q, Yang Y R, Huang T M, Li S, Wang Z M*, Wang X D*. A comprehensive assessment of the hybrid power generation system of PEMFC and internal combustion engine based on ammonia decomposition. Energy, 2023, 285: 129559. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y B, Lan N, Liu H X, Yan K C, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wang X D*. Barrier effect, blocking effect, and interference effect of electrohydrodynamic heat transfer enhancement in rectangular channels. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 112014. (SCI/EI)
Liu H X, Wang Y B*, Wang S Y, Yan K C, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Working regime criteria for microscale electrohydrodynamic conduction pumps. Langmuir, 2023, 39: 18052-18059. (SCI/EI)
Zhang L Z, Chen X, Wang Y F, Yang Y R, Zheng S F*, Lee D J, Wang X D. Contact time of a droplet off-centered impacting a superhydrophobic cylinder. Langmuir, 2023, 39: 16023-16034. (SCI/EI)
Zhu K Q, Ding Q, Zhang B X, Xu J H, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wan Z M*, Wang X D*. Evaluation of performance and mass transfer characteristics by applying oblique fin flow field to air-cooled PEMFCs under different ambient conditions. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2023, 60: 103517. (SCI/EI)
Wan Z M*, Pan D C, Zhu X, Chen Y Y, Huang T M, Wang X D. Numerical study on the performance of a novel three-dimensional stepped wavy flow field in PEMFC. Energy Conversion and Management: X, 2023, 20: 100469. (SCI/EI)
Lin L, Jing Z H, Zheng S F*, Chen W H, Lee D J, Wang X D. A comprehensive comparison of micro heterojunction thermoelectric generators based on a carrier transport model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 217: 124676. (SCI/EI)
Zheng S F, Gao Y Y, Yang L T, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Sundén B, Wang X D*. Theoretical and three-dimensional molecular dynamics study of droplet wettability and mobility on lubricant-infused porous surfaces. Langmuir, 2023, 39: 13371-13385. (SCI/EI)
Ma Q, Wang Y F, Wang Y B, Zhang B X, Zheng S F*, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wang X D*. Pancake bouncing of nanodroplets impacting superhydrophobic surfaces. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 639: 158273. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y F, Ma Q, Wei B J, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Zheng S F*, Lee D J, Wang X D*. Impact of nanodroplets on solid spheres. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 082118. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y B, Wang Y F, Ma Q, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wang X D*. What controls the hole formation of nanodroplets: hydrodynamic or thermodynamic instability? Langmuir, 2023, 39: 11760-11768. (SCI/EI)
Xue X D, Han W*, Liu C C, Li J C, Jin H G, Wang X D. Proposal and evaluation of a hydrogen and electricity cogeneration system based on thermochemical complementary utilization of coal and solar energy. Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 291: 117266. (SCI/EI)
Xue X D*, Han W*, Xin Y, Liu C C, Jin H G, Wang X D. Proposal and energetic and exergetic evaluation of a hydrogen production system with synergistic conversion of coal and solar energy. Energy, 2023, 283: 128489. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Jin J X, Shi S H, Wei B J, Wang Y F, Zheng S F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Critical contact angle of a bouncing droplet. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 077123. (SCI/EI)
Zheng S F, Liu G Q, Zhang Y, Wang H C, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Li H W, Sundén B, Wang X D*. Performance evaluation with turbulent flow and heat transfer characteristics in rectangular cooling channels with various novel hierarchical rib schemes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 214: 124459. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y B, Liu H X, Lan N, Yan K C, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Effect of ionic diffusion on microscale electrohydrodynamic conduction pumps. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 062016. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Xu J H, Zhu K Q, Ma Q, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wang X D*. Contact time of nanodroplets obliquely impacting nanopillar-arrayed superhydrophobic surfaces: A molecular dynamics study. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 062114. (SCI/EI)
Ma Q, Wang Y F, Wang Y B, Zhang B X, Zheng S F*, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wang X D*. Scaling laws for the contact time of impacting nanodroplets: From hydrophobic to superhydrophobic surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 062003. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Wei B J, Jin J X, Wang Y F, Zheng S F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Contact time of droplet impact against an inclined hydrophobic surface. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 057115. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Xu J H, Zhu K Q, Zhang Y Y, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Asymmetric and symmetric spreading for a nanodroplet on an isothermally heated surface in the presence of a parallel electric field. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 052102. (SCI/EI)
Zhang L Z, Chen X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Impact dynamics of a droplet on superhydrophobic cylinders structured with a macro ridge. Langmuir, 2023, 39, 6375–6386. (SCI/EI)
Ma Q, Wang Y F, Wang Y B, Zheng S F*, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wang X D*. Ring-bouncing induced by the head-on impact of two nanodroplets on superhydrophobic surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 042013. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Jin J X, Wei B J, Shi S H, Zheng S F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Reducing the contact time of off-center impacts. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 047113. (SCI/EI)
Lan N, Liu H X, Yan K C, Wang Y B, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. The impact of secondary flow intensity on heat transfer efficiency of the wire-to-plate electrohydrodynamics devices. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 047101. (SCI/EI)
Xu J H, Yan H Z, Zhang B X, Ding Q, Zhu K Q, Yang Y R, Wang Z M, Lee D J, Wang X D*, Tu Z K*. Multi-criteria evaluation and optimization of PEM fuel cell degradation system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 227: 120389. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Zhang Y Y, Xu J H, Ma Q, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. The contact time of rebounding-coalescing droplets on rectangular-ridged superhydrophobic surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 032112. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y F, Wang Y B, Zhang C L, He X, Yang Y R, Zheng S F*, Lee D J, Wang X D*. Retraction and bouncing dynamics of nanodroplets upon impact on superhydrophobic surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 032012. (SCI/EI)
Jin J X, Gao S R*, Wei B J, Jia Q H, Zheng S F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Mechanism and contact time of off-center impacts at relatively high Weber numbers. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 027119. (SCI/EI)
Wu Z Y, Yang L T, Zheng S F*, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Gao T, Sundén B, Wang X D*. Convective transport characteristics of condensing droplets in moist air flow. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 027111. (SCI/EI)
Ding Q, Zhu K Q, Xu J H, Zhang B X, Yang Y R, Wang Y L, Wan Z M*, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Effects of pumping power on oxygen transport and performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2023, 144: 104749. (SCI/EI)
Wang Z J, Wang S Y, Wang D Q, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Water vapor condensation on substrates with nanoscale hydrophilic spots: A molecular dynamics study. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 105: 123929. (SCI/EI)
Lin L, Xu C J, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. High-temperature wetting and dewetting dynamics of silver droplets on molybdenum surfaces. Langmuir, 2023, 39: 1135-1144. (SCI/EI)
Wang S Y, Wang Z J, Wang D Q, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Electrically manipulated vapor condensation on the dimpled surface: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations. Langmuir, 2023, 39: 829-840. (SCI/EI)
Li D D, Li E C, Xiang J, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Feng G*. Molecular insights into curvature effects on the capacitance of electrical double layers in tricationic ionic liquids with carbon nanotube electrodes. Langmuir, 2023, 39: 588-596. (SCI/EI)
Zheng S F, Wu Z Y, Gao Y Y, Yang Y R, Sundén B, Wang X D*. Transient multiphysics coupled model for multiscale droplet condensation out of moist air. Numerical Heat Transfer A, 2023, 84: 16-34. (SCI/EI)
Wang B B, Yang C, Xu Z M, Wang X D*, Yan W M*. Effectively inhibiting particles aggregation and sedimentation for TiO2-H2O suspension by application of an electrode. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2023, 44: 679-685. (SCI/EI)
Wan Z M, Yan H Z, Sun Y, Yang C*, Chen X, Kong X Z, Chen Y Y, Tu Z K*, Wang X D. Thermal management improvement of air-cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cell by using metal foam flow field. Applied Energy, 2023, 333: 120642. (SCI/EI)
Xue X D, Liu C C, Han W*, Wang Z F, Zhang N, Jin H G, Wang X D. Proposal and investigation of a high-efficiency coal-fired power generation system enabled by chemical recuperative supercritical water coal gasification. Energy, 2023, 267: 126598. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Wang Y F, Zhang Y Y, He X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Explosive boiling of suspended argon films in the Cassie-Baxter state on nanopillar-arrayed surfaces. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023, 185: 108103. (SCI/EI)
Wang S L, An D, Yang Y R, Zheng S F*, Wang X D, Lee D J. Heat transfer and flow characteristics in symmetric and parallel wavy microchannel heat sinks with porous ribs. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023, 185: 108080. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y L, Xu H K, He W*, Zhao Y L*, Wang X D*. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the structural degradation of a gas diffusion layer for a proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 556: 232452. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Cai Z H, Ding Q, Zhu K Q, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Bouncing dynamics of nanodroplets impacting superhydrophobic surfaces: The coupling influence of wetting transitions and scale effects. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2023, 657: 130579. (SCI/EI)
Zhong Z H, Huang C L*, Wang X D*. Enhanced pool boiling heat transfer of multilayer copper-nanoparticle-packed beds by copper mesh coating. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023, 184: 107965. (SCI/EI)
Wang S Y, Wang Z J, Wang D Q, Yang Y R, Zheng S F, Gao S R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Nucleation of water vapor on nanodimpled surfaces: Effects of curvature radius and surface wettability. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 219: 119437. (SCI/EI)
Xue X D, Han W*, Wang Z F, Jin H G, Wang X D. Proposal and assessment of a solar-coal thermochemical hybrid power generation system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 219: 119584. (SCI/EI)
Li D D, Ji X Y, Chen M, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Feng G. Oligomeric ionic liquids: Bulk, interface and electrochemical application in energy storage. Journal of Electrochemistry, 2022, 28: 2219002. (SCI/EI)
Ding Q, Zhu K Q, Xu J H, Zhang B X, Yang Y R, Yang C, Wang Y L, Wan Z M*, Wang X D*. Evaluation criterion of flow fields in PEM fuel cells based on entropy generation analysis. Accepted by International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022. (SCI/EI)
Zheng S F, Wu Z Y, Gao Y Y, Yang Y R, Sundén B, Wang X D*. Transient multiphysics coupled model for multiscale droplet condensation out of moist air. Accepted by Numerical Heat Transfer A, 2022. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y L, Si C*, Zhang X M, Wang X D, He Wei*. Electro-osmotic drag coefficient of Nafion membrane with low water Content for Proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Energy Reports, 2022, 8(S16): 598-612
Xu J H, Yan H Z, Ding Q, Zhu K Q, Yang Y R, Wang Y L, Huang T M, Chen X, Wan Z M*, Wang X D*. Sparrow search algorithm applied to temperature control in PEM fuel cell systems. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47: 39973-39986. (SCI/EI)
Zhu K Q, Ding Q, Xu J H, Chen Y, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Huang T M, Wang Z M*, Wang X D*. Dynamic performance for a kW-grade air-cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47: 35398-35411. (SCI/EI)
Zhang L Z, Xu S Y, Wang Y F, Yang Y R, Zheng S F, Gao S R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Impact dynamics of a single droplet on hydrophobic cylinders: A lattice Boltzmann study. Langmuir, 2022, 38: 11860-11872. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y L*, Guan C, Zhang P H, Zhu T T, Wang S X, Zhu Y*, Wang X D*. Optimal design of a cathode flow field with a new arrangement of baffle plates for a high clean power generation of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 375: 134187. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y L*, Zhang P H, Gao Y Y, He W, Zhao Y L*, Wang X D. Optimal design of cathode gas diffusion layer with arrayed grooves for performance enhancement of a PEM fuel cell. Renewable Energy, 2022, 199: 697-709. (SCI/EI)
Zheng S F, Liu G Q, Lian W K, Yang Y R, Gao S R, Sundén B, Wang X D*. Fluid flow and heat transfer in a rectangular ribbed channel with a hierarchical design for turbine blade internal cooling. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 217: 119183. (SCI/EI)
Yang Y R, Wang X D, Chang J S, Lee D J*. Homogeneously and heterogeneously structured biofilm models for wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 362: 127763. (SCI/EI)
Chen L Y, Wang X D, Chang J S, Lee D J*. Biofilm with highly heterogeneous interior structure for pollutant removal: Effects of individual extracellular polymeric substance. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 361: 127669. (SCI/EI)
Zheng S F, Wu Z Y, Gao Y Y, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Gross U*. Asymmetric condensation characteristics during dropwise condensation in the presence of non-condensable gas: A lattice Boltzmann study. Langmuir, 2022, 38: 9760-9776. (SCI/EI)
Zhu K Q, Ding Q, Xu J H, Yang Y R, Yang C, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Huang T M, Yan W M, Wan Z M*, Wang X D*. Optimization of gas diffusion layer thickness for proton exchange membrane fuel cells under steady-state and load-varying conditions. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 267: 115915. (SCI/EI)
Wang B B, Yang C, Xu Z M, Wang X D*, Yan W M*. Effectively inhibiting particles aggregation and sedimentation for TiO2-H2O suspension by application of an electrode. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1080/01932691.2021.1960170. (SCI/EI)
Wang S Y, Wang Z J, Wang S L, Yang Y R, Huang C L*, Wang X D*. Non-isothermal dissolutive wetting of Al-Ni and Cu-Ni alloy nanodroplets on a Cu(100) substrate. Journal of Thermal Science, 2022, 31: 1135-1144. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Wei B J, Jin J X, Ye J S, Wang Y F, Zheng S F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Contact time of a droplet impacting hydrophobic surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34: 067104. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y L, Xu H K, Zhang Z*, Li H*, Wang X D*. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of a gas diffusion layer with a gradient polytetrafluoroethylene distribution for a proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Applied Energy, 2022, 320: 119248. (SCI/EI)
Lin L, Yao B Q, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Carrier transport model and novel design for micro thermoelectric generator with enhanced performance. Applied Energy, 2022, 315: 119023. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y F, Wang Y B, He X, Zhang B X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Retraction dynamics of low-viscosity nanodroplets: From hydrophobic to hydrophilic surfaces. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 355: 118963. (SCI/EI)
Lv S H, Xie F F, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wang X D*, Duan Y Y*. Impact regimes of nanodroplets impacting nanopillared surfaces. Physical Review Fluids, 2022, 7: 034203. (SCI/EI)
Wang B B*, Wang X, Xu Z M, Wang X D*. Inhibition of adhesion of CaCO3 scale by polydopamine/polytetrafluoroethylene coating with stability and anticorrosion properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2022, 139: e52066. (SCI/EI)
He X, Zhang B X, Wang Y F, Zhang Y Y, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Dynamic coalescence of two charged droplets with deflected angles in the presence of electric fields. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 353: 118812. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y F, Wang Y B, He X, Zhang B X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Scaling laws of the maximum spreading factor for impact of nanodroplets on solid surfaces. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 937: A12. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y L*, Xu H K, Wang X D, Gao Y Y, Su X J, Qin Y Z, Xin L*. Multi-sub-inlets at cathode flow-field plate for current density homogenization and enhancement of PEM fuel cells in low relative humidity. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 252: 115069. (SCI/EI)
Zhang X M, Li Q G, Si C*, Zhong Y J*, Wang X D, Jiao L, Deng K, Yin S, Wang Y L. Coupling effects of water content, temperature, oxygen density, and polytetrafluoroethylene loading on oxygen transport through ionomer thin film on platinum surface in catalyst layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47: 4062-4074. (SCI/EI)
Chen X, Chen Y, Sun Y, Liu Q X, Wang Z M*, Kong X Z, Tu Z K*, Wang X D. Water management and structure optimization study of nickel metal foam as flow distributors in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Applied Energy, 2022, 309: 118448. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y L, Wang X A, Chen G J, Chen C, Wang X D, Penga Ž, Yang Z M, Xing L*. Reinforcement of proton-exchange membrane fuel cell performance through a novel flow field design with auxiliary channels and a hole array. AIChE Journal, 2022, 68: e17461. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y, Wang X D, Qin Y Z, Zhang L, Wang Y L*. Three-dimensional numerical study of a cathode gas diffusion layer with a through/in plane synergetic gradient porosity distribution for PEM fuel cells. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 188: 122661. (SCI/EI))
He X, Zhang B X, Wang S L, Wang Y F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Electrowetting-based control of wetting transition of a nanodroplet on pillar-arrayed surfaces. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022: 117049. (SCI/EI)
Wang Z J, Wang S Y, Wang D Q, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Water vapor condensation on binary mixed substrates: A molecular dynamics study. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 184: 122281. (SCI/EI)
Chen X, Xu J H, Fang Y, Li W B, Ding Y J, Wang Z M*, Wang X D, Tu Z K*. Temperature and humidity management of PEM fuel cell power system using multi-input and multi-output fuzzy method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 203: 117865. (SCI/EI)
Zheng S F, Wu Z Y, Liu G Q, Yang Y R, Sundén B, Wang X D*. The condensation characteristics of individual droplets during dropwise condensation. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 131: 105836. (SCI/EI)
Chen X*, Fang Y, Liu Q X, He L X, Zhao Y B, Huang T M, Wang Z M*, Wang X D. Temperature and voltage dynamic control of PEMFC stack using MPC method. Energy Reports, 2022, 8: 798-808. (SCI/EI)
He X#, Wang Y F#, Zhang B X, Wang S L, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Effect of nanodroplet sizes on wettability, electrowetting transition, and spontaneous dewetting transition on nanopillar-arrayed surfaces. Langmuir, 2021, 37: 14571-14581. (SCI/EI)
He X, Zhang B X, Wang S L, Wang Y F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. The Cassie-Wenzel wetting transition of water films on textured surfaces with different topologies. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33: 112006. (SCI/EI)
Li D D, Li E C, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Feng G*. Structure and capacitance of electrical double layers in tricationic ionic liquids with organic solvents. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2021, 125: 12753-12762.(SCI/EI)
Chen L Y, Wang X D, Lee D J*. Biofilm with highly heterogeneous interior structure for pollutant removal: Cell distribution and manipulated mass transport. Bioresource Technology, 2022: 343: 125913. (SCI/EI)
Chen W H*, Chiou Y B, Chein R Y, Uan J Y, Wang X D. Power generation of thermoelectric generator with plate fins for recovering low-temperature waste heat. Applied Energy, 2022, 306: 118012. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y L*, Wang X A, Fan Y Z, He W, Guan J L, Wang X D*. Numerical investigation of tapered flow field configurations for enhanced polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell performance. Applied Energy, 2022, 306: 118021. (SCI/EI)
Wang S L, Zhu J F, An D, Zhang B X, Chen L Y, Yang Y R, Zheng S F*, Wang X D*. Heat transfer enhancement of symmetric and parallel wavy microchannel heat sinks with secondary branch design. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022, 171: 107229. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, He X, Wang S L, Zheng S F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Explosive boiling of argon nanofilms in the Wenzel or Cassie state on high-temperature nanopillar-arrayed surfaces. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022, 172: 107282. (SCI/EI)
Liu R, Wang Y B, Xie F F, Yang S W, Liu H W, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Bouncing dynamics of a nanodroplet impacting a superhydrophobic surface under perpendicular electric fields. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2021, 630: 127617. (SCI/EI)
Ma Q, Wang Y F, Wang Y B, He X, Zheng S F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Phase diagram for nanodroplet impact on solid surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33: 102007. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Jin J X, Wei B J, Zhang L Z, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Rebound behaviors of multiple droplets simultaneously impacting a superhydrophobic surface. Langmuir, 2021, 37: 11233-11241. (SCI/EI)
Ding Q, Zhu K Q, Yang C, Chen X, Wang Z M*, Wang X D*. Performance investigation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with curved membrane electrode assemblies caused by pressure differences between cathode and anode. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46: 37393-37405. (SCI/EI)
Chen X*, Liu Q X, Fang Y, He L X, Huang T M, Zhang Y, Wang Z M*, Wang X D. Numerical study of a MIMO-shaped cooling plate in PEMFC stack for heat transfer enhancement. Energy Reports, 2021, 7: 5804-5814. (SCI/EI)
Liu R, Wang Y B, Yang S W, Liu H W, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Impacting-bouncing nanodroplets on superhydrophobic surfaces under electric fields. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2021, 629: 127513. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Wang S L, He X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Statics and dynamics of nanodroplet electrowetting on an isothermally heated nanostructured surface. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 342: 117468. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y B, Wang Y F, Wang X, Zhang B X, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wang X D*, Chen M*. Splash of impacting nanodroplets on solid surfaces. Physical Review Fluids, 2021, 6: 094201. (SCI/EI)
He X, Zhang B X, Wang S L, Wang Y F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Electrocoalescence of two charged nanodroplets under different types of external electric fields. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 341: 117417. (SCI/EI)
Zheng S F, Gross U, Wang X D*. Dropwise condensation: From fundamentals of wetting, nucleation, and droplet mobility to performance improvement by advanced functional surfaces. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 295: 102503. (SCI/EI)
Xie F F, Wang D Q, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Coalescence-induced jumping and condensation of argon nanodroplets in the Cassie or the Wenzel state on nanopillar-arrayed surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2021, 628: 127269. (SCI/EI)
Zhang L Z, Wang Y B, Gao S R, Lin D J, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Re-touch rebound patterns and contact time for a droplet impacting a superhydrophobic cylinder. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2021, 126: 359-370. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y L*, Wang X D, Wang X A, Liu T, Zhu T T, Liu S C, Qin Y Z*. Droplet dynamic characteristics on pem fuel cell cathode gas diffusion layer with gradient pore size distribution. Renewable Energy, 2021, 178: 864-874. (SCI/EI)
Li Q G, Zhang X M, Si C, Han L, Zhong Y J, Wang X D, Jiao L. Phononic analyses of rectangular graphene and annular graphene under in-plane shear stress. Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 129: 233101. (SCI/EI)
Xie F F, Wang D Q, Wang Y B, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Coalescence-induced jumping of nanodroplets on mixed-wettability superhydrophobic surfaces. Canadian Journal of Physics, 2021, 99(5): 297-301. (SCI/EI)
An Y, Huang C L*, Wang X D*. Effects of thermal conductivity and wettability of porous materials on the boiling heat transfer. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 170: 107110. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y B, Wang Y F, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Chen M*. Spreading time of impacting nanodroplets. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2021, 125: 5630-5635. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Wang S L, Wang Y B, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Yang R G*. Harnessing reversible wetting transition to sweep contaminated superhydrophobicsurfaces. Langmuir, 2021, 37: 3929-3938. (SCI/EI)
Liu R, Xie F F, Huang L F, Wang Y F, Lv S H, Liu H W, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Maximum spreading factor for nanodroplets impacting a hydrophobic surface under a perpendicular electric field. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2021, 623: 126769. (SCI/EI)
Gao S R, Jin J X, Wei B J, Lin D J, Wang X, Zhang L Z, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Dynamic behaviors of two droplets impacting an inclined superhydrophobic substrate. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2021, 623: 126725. (SCI/EI)
Wang X, Wang Y B, Jiao L L, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Energy analysis on rebound dynamics of two droplets impacting a superhydrophobic surface simultaneously. AIP Advances, 2021, 11: 055007. (SCI/EI)
Liu T, Wang Y L*, Sun H, Yao M C, Liu S C, Qin Y Z, Wang X D. Droplet dynamic behaviors on gas diffusion layer surface of various wettabilities in a PEMFC gas flow channel. International Journal of Green Energy, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1080/15435075.2021.1904940. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Wang S L, He X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Dynamic spreading of a water nanodroplet on a nanostructured surface in the presence of an electric field. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 333: 116039. (SCI/EI)
Wang S L, Jin Z, Li J N, Zhang B X, Wang Y B, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Theoretical modeling of thermal conductivity of alumina aerogel composites based on real microstructures. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2021, 120: 150-160. (SCI/EI)
Wang S L, Liu H B, Gao Y W, Shen Y, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Transient supercooling performance of thermoelectric coolers with a continuous double current pulse. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2021, 120: 127-135. (SCI/EI)
Ma Y H, Huang C L*, Wang X D*. Experimental investigation on boiling heat transfer enhanced by gradient aperture porous copper. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 191: 116877. (SCI/EI)
Chen X*, Xu J H, Yang C, Fang Y, Li W B, Zhang Y, Wan Z M*, Wang X D. Thermodynamic and economic study of PEMFC stack considering degradation characteristic. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 235: 114016. (SCI/EI)
Wan Z M, Sun Y, Yang C*, Kong X Z, Yan H Z, Chen X, Huang T M, Wang X D*. Experimental performance investigation on the arrangement of metal foam as flow distributors in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 231: 113846. (SCI/EI)
Huang Q Q, Du C K, Guo C W, Huang C L*, Wang X D*. A high-efficiency salt-rejecting solar evaporator with optimized porous structure for continuous solar desalination. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 187: 116515. (SCI/EI)
Liu R, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Electrowetting-on-dielectric-induced nanodroplet splitting between two parallel plates. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2021, 25: 4. (SCI/EI)
Chen X*, Chen Y, Liu Q, Xu J H, Liu Q X, Li W B, Zhang Y, Wan Z M*, Wang X D. Performance study on a stepped flow field design for bipolar plate in PEMFC, Energy Report, 2021, 7: 336-347. (SCI/EI)
Chen X*, Yu Z K, Wang X D, Li W B, Chen Y, Jin C, Gong G C, Wan Z M. Influence of wave parallel flow field design on the performance of PEMFC. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2021, 147: 04020080. (SCI/EI)
Chen Y*, Wang Z M*, Chen X, Kong X Z, Zhang J, Huang T M, Wang X D. Geometry optimization of a novel M-like flow field in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 228: 113651. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y L*, Si C, Qin Y Z, Wang X D*, Fan Y Z, Gao Y Y. Bio-inspired design of an auxiliary fishbone shaped cathode flow field pattern for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 227: 113588. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Wang S L, Wang Y B, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Spreading of a nanodroplet over isothermally heated smooth and nanostructured surfaces: A molecular dynamics study. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 159: 106649. (SCI/EI)
Gao Y W, Shi C L*, Wang X D*. Numerical study on transient supercooling 1 performance of annular thermoelectric cooler. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 182: 116090. (SCI/EI)
Chen X*, Liu Q, Xu J H, Chen Y, Li W B, Yuan Z Y, Wan Z M*, Wang X D. Thermodynamic study of a hybrid PEMFC-solar energy multi-generation system combined with SOEC and dual Rankine cycle. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 226: 113512. (SCI/EI)
Chen H X, Sun Y, Li L H, Wang X D*. Bubble dynamics and heat transfer performance on micro-pillars structured surfaces with various pillars heights. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 163: 120502. (SCI/EI)
Chen X*, Xu J H, Liu Q, Chen Y, Wang X D, Li W B, Ding Y J, Wan Z M*. Active disturbance rejection control strategy applied to cathode humidity control in PEMFC system. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 224: 113389. (SCI/EI)
Wang YF, Wang Y B, Xie F F, Liu J Y, Wang S L, Yang Y R, Gao S R, Wang X D*. Spreading and retraction kinetics for impact of nanodroplets on hydrophobic surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32: 092005. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y B, Wang Y F, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Chen M*. Universal model for the maximum spreading factor of impacting nanodroplets: From hydrophilic to hydrophobic surfaces. Langmuir, 2020, 36: 9306-9316. (SCI/EI)
Ding Q, Zhao H L, Wang Z M, Yang Y R, Chen Y, Wang X D*. Performances of parallel, interdigitated, and serpentine flow field PEM fuel cells with straight or wave-like channels. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2020, 146: 04020054. (SCI/EI)
Wang X, Lin D J, Wang Y B, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Rebound dynamics of two droplets simultaneously impacting a flat superhydrophobic surface. AIChE Journal, 2020, 66: e16647. (SCI/EI)
Li D D, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Feng G*. Electrical double layer of linear tricationic ionic liquids at graphite electrode. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124: 15723-15729. (SCI/EI)
Gao J, Si C, Yang Y R, Cao B Y, Wang X D*. Molecular dynamics investigation on thermal conductivity and phonon transmission of folded graphene. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2020, 9: 093005. (SCI/EI)
Lin D J, Zhang L Z, Yi M C, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Zheng S F, Wang X D*. Contact time of double-droplet impacting superhydrophobic surfaces with different macrotextures. Processes, 2020, 8: 896. (SCI/EI)
Wang X, Wang Y B, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Controllable splitting of impacting droplets by hybrid-wettability surfaces. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2020, 111: 24-33. (SCI/EI)
Lin D J, Zhang L Z, Yi M C, Wang X, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Rebound dynamics of two droplets successively impacting an inclined surface. Coatings, 2020, 10: 592. (SCI/EI)
He X, Wang S L, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Chen J Q*. Electro-coalescence of two charged droplets under pulsed direct current electric fields with various waveforms: A molecular dynamics study. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 312: 113429. (SCI/EI)
Wang S L, Chen L Y, Zhang B X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. A new design of double-layered microchannel heat sinks with wavy microchannels and porous ribs. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020,141: 447-464. (SCI/EI)
Chen H X, Sun Y, Xiao H Y, Wang X D*. Bubble dynamics and heat transfer characteristics on a micropillar structured surface with different nucleation site positions. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 141: 547-558. (SCI/EI)
Lin D J, Zhang L Z, Yi M C, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Contact time on inclined superhydrophobic surfaces decorated with parallel macro-ridges. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2020, 599: 124924. (SCI/EI)
Liu H B, Wang S L, Yang Y R, Chen W H, Wang X D*. Theoretical analysis of performance of variable cross-section thermoelectric generators: Effects of shape factor and thermal boundary conditions. Energy, 2020, 201: 117660. (SCI/EI)
Xie F F#, Lv S H#, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Contact time of a bouncing nanodroplet. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020, 11: 2818-2823. (SCI/EI)
Chen W H*, Lin Y X, Chiou Y B, Lin Y X, Wang X D. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach of thermoelectric generator (TEG) for power generation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 173: 115203. (SCI/EI)
Wan Z M, Quan W X, Yang C*, Yan H Z, Chen X, Huang T M, Wang X D, Chan S. Optimal design of a novel M-like channel in bipolar plates of proton exchange membrane fuel cell based on minimum entropy generation. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 205: 112386. (SCI/EI)
Gao Y W, Shi C L*, Wang X D*. Numerical analysis for transient supercooling effect of pulse current shapes on a two-stage thermoelectric cooler. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 163: 114416. (SCI/EI)
Wang S Y, Wang S L, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. High-temperature reactive wetting systems: Role of lattice constant. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 209: 115206. (SCI/EI)
Zhu J F, Li X Y, Wang S L, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Performance comparison of wavy microchannel heat sinks with wavy bottom rib and side rib designs. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 146: 106068. (SCI/EI)
Li X Y, Wang X D, Lee D J*, Yan W M. Highly heterogeneous interior structure of biofilm wastewater for enhanced pollutant removals. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 160: 121919. (SCI/EI)
Lin L, Zhang Y F, Liu H B, Meng J H, Chen W H, Wang X D*. A new configuration design of thermoelectric cooler driven by thermoelectric generator. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 160: 114087. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y B, Wang X D*, Yang Y R, Chen M*. The maximum spreading factor for polymer nanodroplets impacting a hydrophobic solid surface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123: 12841-12850. (SCI/EI)
Wang B B, Zhang H H, Xu Z M, Wang X D*, Zhao Q, Yan W M*. Acceleration of aqueous nano-film evaporation by applying parallel electric field: A molecular dynamics simulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 138: 68-74. (SCI/EI)
Chen W H*, Lin Y X, Wang X D*, Lin Y L. A comprehensive analysis of the performance of thermoelectric generators with constant and variable properties. Applied Energy, 2019, 241: 11-24. (SCI/EI)
Wang X, Sun D L, Wang X D*, Yan W M*. Dynamics of droplets impacting hydrophilic surfaces decorated with a hydrophobic strip. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 135: 235-246. (SCI/EI)
Zhang B X, Wang S L, Wang X D*. Wetting transition from the Cassie-Baxter state to the Wenzel state on regularly nanostructured surfaces induced by an electric field. Langmuir, 2019, 35: 662-670. (SCI/EI)
Li X Y, Wang S L, Wang T H, Wang X D*. Selected porous-ribs design for performance improvement in double-layered microchannel heat sinks. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 137: 616-626. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y H, Wang S Y, Lu G*, Wang X D*. Effects of wettability on explosive boiling of nanoscale liquid films: Whether the classical nucleation theory fails or not? International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 132: 1277-1283. (SCI/EI)
Lin D J, Wang L, Wang X D*, Yan W M*. Reduction in the contact time of impacting droplets by decorating a rectangular ridge on superhydrophobic surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 132: 1105-1115. (SCI/EI)
Liu H B, Meng J H, Wang X D*, Chen W H. A new design of solar thermoelectric generator with combination of segmented materials and asymmetrical legs. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 175: 11-20. (SCI/EI)
Xie F F, Lu G*, Wang X D*, Wang D Q. Enhancement of coalescence-induced nanodroplet jumping on superhydrophobic surfaces. Langmuir, 2018, 34: 11195-11203. (SCI/EI)
Wang L, Zhao W F, Wang X D*. Lattice kinetic scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations coupled with convection-diffusion equations. Physical Review E, 2018, 98: 033308. (SCI/EI)
Chen H X, Sun Y, Huang L B, Wang X D*. Nucleation and sliding growth of boiling bubbles on locally heated silicon surfaces. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 143: 1068-1078. (SCI/EI)
Gao Y W, Meng J H, Liu H B, Chen W H, Wang X D*. Transient supercooling behaviors of a novel two-stage Peltier cooler. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 143: 248-256. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y B, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Yan W M*. Asymmetric heat transfer characteristics of a double droplet impact on a moving liquid film. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 126: 649-659. (SCI/EI)
Wang Y H, Wang S Y, Lu G*, Wang X D*. Explosive boiling of nano-liquid argon films on high temperature platinum walls: effects of surface wettability and film thickness. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2018, 132: 610-617. (SCI/EI)
Guo H L, Wang X D, Lee D J*. Proteomic researches for lignocellulose-degrading enzymes: A mini-review. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 265: 532-541. (SCI/EI)
Lee D J*, Cheng Y L, Wong R J, Wang X D. Adsorption removal of natural organic matters in waters using biochar. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 260: 413-416.
Wang B B, Xu Z M, Wang X D*, Yan W M*. Molecular dynamics investigation on enhancement of heat transfer between electrified solid surface and liquid water. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 125: 756-760. (SCI/EI)
Xie F F, Lu G*, Wang X D*, Wang B B. Coalescence-induced jumping of two unequal-sized nanodroplets.Langmuir, 2018, 34: 2734-2740.
Fly A, Chen R*, Wang X D. Equivalent stiffness model of a PEM fuel cell stack including hygrothermal effects and dimensional tolerances. Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 2018, 15: 031002. (SCI/EI)
Wang S L, Li X Y, Wang X D*, Lu G*. Flow and heat transfer characteristics in double-layered microchannel heat sinks with porous fins. International Communications of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 93: 41-47. (SCI/EI)
Si C, Li L, Lu G, Cao B Y*, Wang X D*,Fan Z, Feng Z H. A comprehensive analysis about thermal conductivity of multi-layer graphene with N-doping, -CH3 group and single vacancy. Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 123: 135101. (SCI/EI)
Lin L, Hui S, Lu G, Wang S L, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Molecular dynamics study of high temperature wetting kinetics for Al/NiAl and Al/Ni3Al systems: Effects of grain boundaries. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 174: 127-135. (SCI/EI)
Lu G, Lin L, Hui S, Wang S L, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Dewetting kinetics of metallic liquid films on NiAl substrates: competition between unbalanced Young’s force and dissolutive reaction. Chemical Physics Letters, 2017, 687: 91–95. (SCI/EI)
Chang H W, Wan Z M*, Zheng Y, Chen X, Shu S M, Tu Z K*, Chan S H, Chen R, Wang X D. Energy- and exergy-based working fluid selection and performance analysis of a high-temperature PEMFC-based micro combined cooling heating and power system. Applied Energy, 2017, 204: 446-458. (SCI/EI)
Gao Y W, Lv H, Wang X D*, Yan W M*. Enhanced Peltier cooling of two-stage thermoelectric cooler via pulse currents. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 114: 656-663. (SCI/EI)
Wang T H, Peng M, Wang X D*, Yan W M*. Investigation of heat transfer enhancement by electrohydrodynamics in a double-wall-heated channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 113: 373-383. (SCI/EI)
Chen W H*, Huang S R, Wang X D, Wu P H, Lin Y L. Performance of a thermoelectric generator intensified by temperature oscillation. Energy, 2017, 133: 257-269. (SCI/EI)
Lin L, Hui S, Lu G, Wang S L, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Molecular dynamics simulations on dissolutive wetting of Al-Ni alloy droplets on NiAl substrate. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2017, 75: 51-58. (SCI/EI)
Si C, Lu G, Cao B Y*, Wang X D*, Fan Z, Feng Z H. Effects of torsion on the thermal conductivity of multi-layer graphene. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 121: 205102. (SCI/EI)
Lin L, Zhao J, Lu G, Wang X D*, Yan W M. Heat transfer enhancement in microchannel heat sink by wavy channel with changing wavelength/amplitude. International Journal of Thermal Science, 2017, 118: 423-434. (SCI/EI)
Lu G, Zhao J, Lin L, Wang X D*, Yan W M*. A new scheme for reducing pressure drop and thermal resistance simultaneously in microchannel heat sinks with wavy porous fins. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 111: 1071-1078. (SCI/EI)
Wang B B, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Lu G, Yan W M*. Enhancement of boiling heat transfer of thin water film on an electrified solid surface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 109: 410-416. (SCI/EI)
Lu G, Wang X D*, Yan W M. Nucleate boiling inside small evaporating droplets: An experimental and numerical study. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 108: 2253-2261. (SCI/EI)
Si C, Wang X D*, Fan Z, Fei Z H, Cao B Y*. Impacts of potential models on calculating the thermal conductivity of graphene using non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 107: 450-460. (SCI/EI)
Wang B B, Wang X D*, Want T H, Yan W M*. Electrocoalescence behavior of two identical droplets with various droplet radii. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 111: 1464-1469. (SCI/EI)
Ge W K, Lu G, Xu X, Wang X D*. Droplet spreading and permeating on the hybrid wettability porous substrates: a lattice Boltzmann method study. Open Physics, 2016, 14: 483-491. (SCI/EI)
Lu G, Wang X D*, Duan Y Y. A critical review of dynamic wetting by complex fluids: from Newtonian fluids to non-Newtonian fluids and nanofluids. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2016, 236: 43-62. (SCI/EI)
Si C, Lu G, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Gas diffusion layer properties on the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell: pc-s relationship with K-function. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41: 21827-21837. (SCI/EI)
Chen W H*, Wu P H, Wang X D, Lin Y L. Power output and efficiency of a thermoelectric generator under temperature control. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 127: 404-415. (SCI/EI)
Chen W H*, Hsu C L, Wang X D. Thermodynamic approach and comparison of two-step and single step DME (dimethyl ether) syntheses with carbon dioxide utilization. Energy, 2016, 109: 326-340. (SCI/EI)
Lv H, Wang X D*, Meng J H, Wang T H, Yan W M*. Enhancement of maximum temperature drop across thermoelectric cooler through two-stage design and transient supercooling effect. Applied Energy, 2016, 175: 285-292. (SCI/EI)
Meng J H, Wang X D*, Chen W H. Performance investigation and design optimization of a thermoelectric generator applied in automobile exhaust waste heat recovery. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 120: 71-80. (SCI/EI)
Wang B B, Wang X D*, Want T H, Lu G, Yan W M*. Electro-coalescence of two charged droplets under constant and pulsed DC electric fields. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 98: 10-16. (SCI/EI)
Lv H, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Cheng C H. Improvement of transient supercooling of thermoelectric coolers through variable semiconductor cross-section. Applied Energy, 2016, 164: 501-508. (SCI/EI)
Leng C, Wang X D*, Yan W M, Wang T H. Heat transfer enhancement of microchannel heat sink using transcritical carbon dioxide as the coolant. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 110: 154-164. (SCI/EI)
Peng M, Wang T H, Wang X D*. Effect of longitudinal electrode arrangement on EHD-induced heat transfer enhancement in a rectangular channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 93: 1072-1081. (SCI/EI)
Lu G, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*. Experimental study on the dynamic wetting of dilute nanofluids. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2015, 486: 6-13. (SCI/EI)
Lin L*, Yuan R Q, Zhang X X, Wang X D. Spreading dynamics of liquid droplet on gradient micro-structured surfaces. Acta Physica Sinica, 2015, 64 (15): 154705. (SCI/EI)
Wang T H, Wang Q H, Leng C, Wang X D*. Parameter analysis and optimal design for two-stage thermoelectric cooler. Applied Energy, 2015, 154: 1-12. (SCI/EI)
Kim C B, Leng C, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Yan W M. Effects of slot-jet length on the cooling performance of hybrid microchannel/slot-jet module. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 89: 838-845. (SCI/EI)
Lu G, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*. Effects of free surface evaporation on water nano-droplet wetting kinetics: A molecular dynamics study. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2015, 137: 091001. (SCI/EI)
Wang B B, Wang X D*, Yan W M*, Wang T H. Molecular dynamics simulations on coalescence and non-coalescence of conducting droplets. Langmuir, 2015, 31, 7457-7462. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Zhang X, Xu J L, Yan Y Y, Liu D, Wang T H. Guest editorial: Special issue on advances in micro/nanoscale fluid flow and heat transfer. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 7(7): 1687814015594495. (SCI/EI)
Lin L, Deng M X, Zhang X X, Wang X D*. Numerical analysis and parametric study of multi-layered microchannel heat sinks. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 7(7): 1687814015594124. (SCI/EI)
Leng C, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Yan W M*. Fluid flow and heat transfer in microchannel heat sink based on porous fin design concept. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 65: 52-57. (SCI/EI)
Si C, Wang X D*, Yan W M*, Wang T H. A comprehensive review on measurement and correlation development of capillary pressure for two-phase modeling of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 2015: 876821. (SCI/EI)
Feng Z H, Zhi J Y, Fan Z, Sun D, Si C, Wang X D*. An analytical model of thermal conductivity for carbon/carbon composites with pitch-based matrix. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 7 (1): 242586. (SCI/EI)
Lv H, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Meng J H. Optimal pulse current shape for transient supercooling of thermoelectric cooler. Energy, 2015, 83: 788-796. (SCI/EI)
Leng C, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Yan W M*. Multi-parameter optimization of flow and heat transfer for a novel double-layered microchannel heat sink. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 84: 359-369. (SCI/EI)
Leng C, Wang X D*, Wang T H. An improved design of double-layered microchannel heat sink with truncated top channels. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 79: 54-62. (SCI/EI)
Leng C, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Yan W M*. Optimization of thermal resistance and bottom wall temperature uniformity for double-layered microchannel heat sink. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 93: 141-150. (SCI/EI)
Wang B B, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Lee D J. Size control mechanism for bio-nanoparticle fabricated by electrospray deposition. Drying Technology, 2015, 33: 406-413. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Lee D J. Guest editorial: Special issue on sludge drying and dehydration. Drying Technology, 2015, 33: 385. (SCI/EI)
Meng J H, Zhang X X, Wang X D*. Characteristics analysis and parametric study of a thermoelectric generator by considering variable material properties and heat losses. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 80: 227-235. (SCI/EI)
Wang B B, Wang X D*, Wang T H. Microscopic mechanism for the effect of adding salt on electrospinning by molecular dynamics simulations. Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105: 121906. (SCI/EI)
Lu G, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D. Surface tension, viscosity and rheology of water-based nanofluids: a microscopic interpretation on the molecular level. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2014, 16: 2564. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Wang Y L, Chen Y, Si C, Su A, Lee D J*. Proton exchange membrane fuel cell modeling with diffusion layer-based and sands-based capillary pressure correlations Comparative study. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2014, 45: 1532-1541. (SCI/EI)
Meng J H, Zhang X X, Wang X D*. Multi-objective and multi-parameter optimization of a thermoelectric generator module. Energy, 2014, 71: 367-376. (SCI/EI)
Wang T H, Xu J L*, Wang X D*. Self-heating dependent characteristic of GaN-based light-emitting diodes with and without AlGaInN electron blocking layer. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59: 2460-2469. (SCI/EI)
Yu H T, Liu D, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D. Calculation and experimental validation of spectral properties of microsize grains surrounded by nanoparticles. Optics Express, 2014, 22: 7925-7930. (SCI/EI)
Wang B B, Wang X D*, Duan Y Y, Chen M*. Molecular dynamics simulation on evaporation of water and aqueous droplets in the presence of electric field. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 73: 533-541. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Wang Z X, Duan Y Y*, An B, Lee D J*. Efficient evaluation of thermodynamic properties of water and steam on p-h surface. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2014, 45: 372-379. (SCI/EI)
Lin L, Chen Y Y, Zhang X X, Wang X D*. Optimization of geometry and flow rate distribution for double-layer microchannel heat sink. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2014, 78: 158-168. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Wang Q H, Xu J L. Performance analysis of two-stage TECs (thermoelectric coolers) using a three-dimensional heat-electricity coupled model. Energy, 2014, 65: 419-429. (SCI/EI)
Yu H T, Liu D, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*. Theoretical model of radiative transfer in opacified aerogel based on realistic microstructures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 70: 478-485. (SCI/EI)
Zong L X, Sun D L, Xu J L*, Wang X D*. Numerical study of seed bubble-triggered evaporation heat transfer in a single microtube. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2014, 16: 347-360. (SCI/EI)
Cao Z, Xu J L*, Sun D L, Xie J, Xing F, Chen Q C, Wang X D. Numerical simulation of modulated heat transfer tube in laminar flow regime. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2014, 75: 171-183. (SCI/EI)
Meng J H, Zhang X X, Wang X D*. Dynamic response characteristics of thermoelectric generator predicted by a three-dimensional heat-electricity coupled model. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 245: 262-269. (SCI/EI)
Min Q, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*, Liang Z P, Lee D J. Relaxation dynamics of non-power-law fluids. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2013, 34: 2276-2285. (SCI/EI)
Zhu J Y, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*, Min Q. Forced wetting dynamics of sodium dodecyl sulfate glycerol solution on solid substrates. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2013, 34: 2286-2296. (SCI/EI)
Si C, Wang X D*, Chen M*, Duan Y Y. Effect of wall adsorption on the nano-droplet evaporation in a nano-channel: A molecular dynamics investigation. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2013, 436: 450-458. (SCI/EI)
Zhao J J, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*, Wang B X. Effect of nanostructured roughness on evaporating thin films in microchannels for Wenzel and Cassie-Baxter states. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2013, 135: 041502. (SCI/EI)
Huang Y X, Wang X D*, Cheng C H, Lin D T W. Geometry optimization of thermoelectric coolers using simplified conjugate-gradient method. Energy, 2013, 59: 689-697. (SCI/EI)
Yang C Y, Xu J L*, Wang X D, Zhang W. Mixed convective flow and heat transfer of supercritical CO2 in circular tubes at various inclination angles. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 64: 212-223. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Sun D, Duan Y Y*, Hu Z J. Radiative characteristics of opacifier-loaded silica aerogel composites. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2013, 375: 31-39. (SCI/EI)
Wang B B, Wang X D*, Chen M*, Xu J L. Molecular dynamics simulations on evaporation of droplets with dissolved salts. Entropy, 2013, 15: 1232-1246. (SCI/EI)
Lu G, Wang X D*, Duan Y Y*. Study on initial stage of capillary rise dynamics. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2013, 433: 95-103. (SCI/EI)
Meng J H, Wang X D*, Zhang X X. Transient modeling and dynamic characteristics of thermoelectric cooler. Applied Energy, 2013, 108: 340-348. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, An B, Lin L, Lee D J. Inverse geometric optimization for geometry of nanofluid-cooled microchannel heat sink. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, 55: 87-94. (SCI/EI)
Zhao J J, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*, Zhang X R, Han Y H, Gao Y B, Lv Z H, Yu H T, Wang B X. Optical and radiative properties of infrared opacifier particles loaded in silica aerogels for high temperature thermal insulation. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013, 70: 54-64. (SCI/EI)
Wang T H, Xu J L*, Wang X D*. Efficiency improvement of light-emitting diodes with a developed electron blocking layer structure and its optimization. Physica E, 2013, 47: 51-58. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, An B, Xu J L. Optimal geometric structure for nanofluid-cooled microchannel heat sink under various constraint conditions. Energy Conversion and Management, 2013, 65: 528-538. (SCI/EI)
Zhao J J, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*, Wang B X. Experimental and analytical analyses of the thermal conductivities and high-temperature characteristics of silica aerogels based on microstructures. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2013, 46: 015304. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, An B, Duan Y Y, Wang Z X, Lee D J*. Efficient and accurate computation scheme of p-T thermodynamic properties of water and steam. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2012, 43: 845-851. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Huang Y X, Cheng C H, Lin D T W, Kang C H. A three-dimensional numerical modeling of thermoelectric device with consideration of coupling of temperature field and electric potential field. Energy, 2012, 47: 488-497. (SCI/EI)
Wang T H, Xu J L*, Wang X D*. The effect of multi-quantum barrier structure on light-emitting diodes performance by a non-isothermal model. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57: 3937-3942. (SCI)
Wang X D*, Lu G, Duan Y Y, Lee D J*. Numerical analysis on performances of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells with various cathode flow channel geometries. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37: 15778-15786. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Xu J L, Lee D J. Parameter sensitivity examination for a complete three-dimensional, two-phase, non-isothermal model of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37: 15766-15777. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Yan W M*, Won W C, Lee D J. Effects of operating parameters on transport phenomena and cell performance of PEM fuel cells with conventional and contracted flow field designs. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37: 15808-15819. (SCI/EI)
Zhao J J, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*, Wang B X. Effects of solid-gas coupling and pore and particle microstructures on the effective gaseous thermal conductivity in aerogels. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2012, 14: 1024. (SCI/EI)
Zhao J J, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*, Wang B X. Radiative properties and heat transfer characteristics of fiber-loaded silica aerogel composites for thermal insulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55: 5196-5204. (SCI/EI)
Liang Z P, Wang X D*, Duan Y Y*, Min Q. Energy-based model for capillary spreading of power-law liquids on a horizontal plane. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2012, 403: 155-163. (SCI/EI)
Zhao J J, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*, Wang B X. An analytical model for combined radiative and conductive heat transfer in fiber-loaded silica aerogels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2012, 358: 1303-1312. (SCI/EI)
Zhao J J, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*, Wang B X. A 3-D numerical heat transfer model for silica aerogels based on the porous secondary nanoparticle aggregate structure. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2012, 358: 1287-1297. (SCI/EI)
Hung T C, Yan W M*, Wang X D, Huang Y X. Optimal design of geometric parameters of double-layered microchannel heat sinks. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55: 3262-3272. (SCI/EI)
Hung T C, Yan W M*, Wang X D, Chang C Y. Heat transfer enhancement in microchannel heat sinks using nanofluids. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55: 2559-2570. (SCI/EI)
Lu G, Wang X D*, Duan Y Y*, Li X W. Effects of non-ideal structures and high temperatures on the insulation properties of aerogel-based composite materials. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2011, 357: 3822-3829. (SCI/EI)
Zhao J J, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*, Wang B X. Effect of nanofluids on thin film evaporation in microchannels. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2011, 13: 5033-5047. (SCI/EI)
Min Q, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*, Liang Z P, Si C. Does macroscopic flow geometry influence wetting dynamic? Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011, 362: 221-227. (SCI/EI)
Lu G, Duan Y Y, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Internal flow in evaporating droplet on heated solid surface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 54: 4437-4447. (SCI/EI)
Wang Z H, Wang X D*, Yan W M*, Duan Y Y, Lee D J, Xu J L. Multi-parameters optimization for microchannel heat sink using inverse problem method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 54: 2811-2819. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Xu J L, Yan W M, Lee D J, Su A. Transient response of PEM fuel cells with parallel and interdigitated flow field designs. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 54: 2375-2386. (SCI/EI)
Zhao J J, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D, Wang B X. Effects of superheat and temperature-dependent thermophysical properties on evaporating thin liquid films in microchannels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 54: 1259-1267. (SCI/EI)
Yan W M, Wang X D*, Lee D J*, Zhang X X, Guo Y F, Su A. Experimental study of commercial size proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance. Applied Energy, 2011, 88: 392-396. (SCI/EI)
Li H Y*, Weng W C, Yan W M*, Wang X D. Transient characteristics of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with different flow field designs. Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196: 235-245. (SCI/EI)
Huang Y X, Cheng C H*, Wang X D, Jang J Y. Effects of porosity gradient in gas diffusion layers on performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Energy, 2010, 35: 4786-4794. (SCI/EI)
Liang Z P, Wang X D*, Duan Y Y, Min Q, Wang C, Lee D J*. Dynamic wetting of non-Newtonian fluids: Multicomponent molecular-kinetic approach. Langmuir, 2010, 26: 14594-14599. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Zhang X X, Liu T, Duan Y Y, Yan W M*, Lee D J. Channel geometry effect for proton exchange membrane fuel cell with serpentine flow field using a three-dimensional two-phase model. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 2010, 7: 051019. (SCI/EI)
Min Q, Duan Y Y, Wang X D, Liang Z P, Lee D J*, Su A. Spreading of completely wetting, non-Newtonian fluids with non-power-law rheology. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2010, 348: 250-254. (SCI/EI)
Yan W M, Wu D K, Wang X D*, Ong A L, Lee D J, Su A. Optimal microporous layer for proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources, 2010, 195: 5731-5734. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Zhang X X, Yan W M, Lee D J*, Su A. Non-isothermal effects of single or double serpentine proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55: 4926-4934. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Huang Y X, Cheng C H*, Jang J Y, Lee D J*, Yan W M, Su A. An inverse geometry design problem for optimization of single serpentine flow field of PEM fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35: 4247-4257. (SCI/EI)
Lin L*, Zhang X X, Feng H T, Wang X D. Optimization of a serpentine flow field with variable channel heights and widths for PEM fuel cells. Science in China Series E, 2010, 53:453-460. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Yan W M*, Duan Y Y, Weng F B, Jung G B, Lee C Y. Numerical study on channel size effect for proton exchange membrane fuel cell with serpentine flow field. Energy Conversion and Management, 2010, 51: 959-968. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Wang M T*, Lee D J. Neuroimaging study of numbers, Chinese words, and English words reading in brain. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2010, 41: 73-80. (SCI/EI)
Liang Z P, Wang X D, Lee D J*, Peng X F, Su A. Spreading dynamics of power-law fluid droplets. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2009, 21: 464117. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Duan Y Y, Yan W M, Lee D J*, Su A. Channel aspect ratio effect for serpentine proton exchange membrane fuel cell: Role of sub-rib convection. Journal of Power Sources, 2009, 193: 684-690. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Huang Y X, Cheng C H, Jang J Y, Lee D J*, Yan W M, Su A. Flow field optimization for proton exchange membrane fuel cells with varying channel heights and widths. Electrochimica Acta, 2009, 54: 5522-5530. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Zhang X X*, Yan W M*, Lee D J, Su A. Determination of the optimal active area for proton exchange membrane fuel cells with parallel, interdigitated or serpentine designs. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34: 3823-3832. (SCI/EI)
Yan W M, Wang X D*, Mei S S, Peng X F, Guo Y F, Su A. Effects of operating temperatures on performance and pressure drops for a 256 cm2 proton exchange membrane fuel cell: An experimental study. Journal of Power Sources, 2008, 185: 1040-1048. (SCI/EI)
Hou S X, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D. Vapor-liquid equilibria predictions for alternative working fluids at low and moderate pressures. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47: 7501-7508. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Wang M T*, Lee D J. Enhancing equation comprehension with index finger writing: An fMRI study. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2008, 39: 489-493. (SCI/EI)
Weng W C, Yan W M, Li H Y*, Wang X D. Numerical simulation of cell performance in proton exchange membrane fuel cells with contracted flow field design. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2008, 155: B877-B886. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Wang M T*, Lee D J. Neuroimaging study of partial differential equation reading in brain. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2008, 39: 301-305. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Duan Y Y*, Yan W M*, Peng X F. Effects of flow channel geometry on cell performance for PEM fuel cells with parallel and interdigitated flow fields. Electrochimica Acta, 2008, 53: 5334-5343. (SCI/EI)
Yan W M, Li H Y, Chiu P C, Wang X D*. Effects of serpentine flow field with outlet channel contraction on cell performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2008, 178: 174-180. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Duan Y Y, Yan W M*, Weng F B. Effect of humidity of reactants on the cell performance of PEM fuel cells with parallel and interdigitated flow field designs. Journal of Power Sources, 2008, 176: 247-258. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Duan Y Y, Yan W M*, Peng X F. Local transport phenomena and cell performance of PEM fuel cells with various serpentine flow field designs. Journal of Power Sources, 2008, 175: 397-407. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Lee D J*, Peng X F, Lai J Y. Spreading dynamics and dynamic contact angle of non-Newtonian fluids. Langmuir, 2007, 23: 8042-8047. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Zhang Y, Lee D J*, Peng X F. Spreading of completely wetting or partially wetting power-law fluid on solid surface. Langmuir, 2007, 23: 9258-9262. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Duan Y Y, Yan W M*. Novel serpentine-baffle flow field design for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2007, 173: 210-221. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Duan Y Y, Yan W M*. Numerical study of cell performance and local transport phenomena in PEM fuel cells with various flow channel area ratios. Journal of Power Sources, 2007, 172: 265-277. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Peng X F, Duan Y Y, Wang B X. Dynamics of spreading of liquid on solid surface. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2007, 15: 730-737. (SCI/EI)
Meng L, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D. Binary interaction parameter kij for calculating the second cross-virial coefficients of mixtures. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2007, 260: 354-358. (SCI/EI)
Liu H C, Yan W M*, Wang X D. Effects of flow channel area ratio on local transport characteristics and cell performance of 3-D PEMFCs. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2007, 154: B1338-B1348. (SCI/EI)
Hou S X, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D. Vapor-liquid equilibria predictions for new refrigerant mixtures based on group contribution theory. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2007, 46; 9274-9284. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Peng X F, Zhang D M. Ferroelectric properties of transparent KTN thin film produced by pulsed laser deposition. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2005, 18: 599-604. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Peng X F, Zhang D M. Properties of highly oriented transparent KTN/SiO2 (100) film prepared by PLD. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2005, 20: 1222-1228. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Peng X F*, Tian Y, Wang B X. Formation, structure, and evolution of boiling nucleus and interfacial tension between bulk liquid phase and nucleus. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2005, 41: 651-658. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D*, Peng X F, Zhang D M. KTN thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition on transparent single crystal quartz (100). Science in China Series G, 2005, 48: 33-43. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Peng X F*, Wang B X. Contact angle hysteresis and hysteresis tension on rough solid surface. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2004, 12: 615-621. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Tian Y, Peng X F*, Wang B X. Inner structure of boiling nucleus and interfacial energy between nucleus and bulk liquid. Chinese Physics Letters, 2004, 21: 348-351 (SCI)
Wang X D*, Peng X F, Lee D J. Dynamic wetting and stress singularity on contact line. Science in China Series E, 2003, 46: 407-417. (SCI/EI)
Wang X D, Tian Y, Peng X F*. Self-aggregation of vapor-liquid phase transition. Progress in Natural Science, 2003, 13: 451- 456. (SCI/EI)
Zhang D M*, Li Z H, Zhang M J, Wang X D, Huang M T, Yu B M, Xu D S, Wang Y M. Preparation of KTN films on single crystal quartz substrates. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 2001, 80: 57-61. (SCI/EI)
Ma W D*, Zhao Z S, Wang S M, Zhang D M, Xu D S, Wang X D, Chen Z J. Preparation of perovskite structure K(Ta0.65Nb0.35)O3 films by pulsed laser deposition on Si substrates. Physica status solidi A, 1999, 176: 985-990. (SCI/EI)
张本熙, 叶晋生, 张研毅, 余欣雨, 何鑫, 杨燕茹, 王晓东*. 湿润转变对超疏水表面上撞击液滴结冰影响的研究进展及展望. 科学通报, 2022, 67. (EI)
高淑蓉, 焦丽丽, 易孟超, 金佳鑫, 王晓东*. 疏水/超疏水表面防/除冰原理及其研究进展. 空气动力学报, 2021, 39: 151-160. (EI)
高淑蓉, 金佳鑫, 魏博建, 王晓东*. 液滴撞击疏水/超疏水表面防结冰技术研究进展及未来展望. 化工学报, 2021, 72: 3946-3957. (EI)
焦丽丽, 王欣, 易孟超, 高淑蓉, 王晓东*. 液滴撞击楔形化学非均匀表面的定向反弹. 工程热物理学报, 2021. (EI) 已接收
王丹琪, 解芳芳, 王晓东*. 电场下液滴合并自弹跳行为的分子动力学研究. 工程热物理学报, 2021, 42:165-171. (EI)
王硕林, 沈园, 何鑫, 杨燕茹, 王晓东*. 电场抑制纳米液滴的Leidenfrost现象. 科学通报, 2020, 65: 1705-1714. (EI)
王艳红, 王晓东*. 液膜厚度和润湿性对汽化方式转变的影响. 工程热物理学报, 2019, 40: 2395-2401. (EI)
斯超, 陆规, 王晓东*, 曹炳阳*, 樊桢, 冯志海. 不同类型缺陷对多层石墨烯热导率的影响. 工程热物理学报, 2018, 39: 2012-2017. (EI)
解芳芳, 王晓东*. 基于MD模拟的不同大小液滴合并弹跳的研究. 工程热物理学报, 2018, 39: 2489-2493. (EI)
陆规, 林殿吉, 王晓东*.电润湿在微纳能源利用系统中的应用. 科学通报, 2017, 62 (8): 799-811. (EI)
林林, 陈杨杨, 王晓东*. 双层微通道热沉关键参数的优化. 工程热物理学报, 2014, 35: 567-570. (EI)
段远源, 于海童, 王晓东*, 赵俊杰. 含水量及相关散射对气凝胶辐射传热的影响. 材料工程, 2014, 2: 65-69. (EI)
朱君悦, 段远源*, 王晓东, 闵琪. 流体在固体表面超铺展特性的研究进展. 化工学报, 2014, 65: 765-776. (EI)
闵琪, 段远源, 王晓东. 格子Boltzmann模型结合MPR方程模拟流体饱和气液密度. 清华大学学报, 2014, 54(5): 619-623. (EI)
Lu G, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D*. Evolution of nanofluid Rayleigh–Bénard flows between two parallel plates: a mesoscopic modeling study. Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, 2013, 4: 040905. (EI)
闵琪, 段远源, 王晓东*, 朱君悦, 吴莘馨. 非平行平板内流体自发运动的格子Boltzmann模拟. 工程热物理学报, 2013, 34: 2228-2232. (EI)
杨传勇, 徐进良, 王晓东*, 张伟. 管道倾斜角度对超临界CO2管内换热特性的影响. 原子能科学技术, 2013, 47: 1522-1528. (EI)
赵俊杰, 于海童, 段远源, 王晓东*, 王补宣. 基于微观结构的气凝胶热导率分析. 工程热物理学报, 2013, 34: 1926-1930. (EI)
宗露香, 徐进良*, 王晓东, 孙东亮. 高热流作用下微通道内种子气泡热控沸腾传热数值模拟. 机械工程学报, 2013, 49: 125-132. (EI)
陆规, 段远源*, 王晓东. 联箱形式对微通道热沉流动与传热性能的影响. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2013, 21: 345-354. (EI)
孙夺, 王晓东*, 段远源, 赵俊杰. 气凝胶-遮光剂复合材料中遮光剂的辐射特性. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2012, 20: 181-189. (EI)
安宾, 王晓东*, 段远源, 王智学. p-T热力学面上水和水蒸气密度的快速计算. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2012, 20: 190-198. (EI)
林林, 王晓东*, 王振华. 纳米流体微通道热沉的性能强化. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2012, 20: 169-180. (EI)
段远源*, 林杰, 赵俊杰, 王晓东. 二氧化硅气凝胶的气相热导率模型分析. 化工学报, 2012, 63: 54-58. (EI)
王天虎, 徐进良, 王晓东*. 非等温模型下LED芯片性能与衬底的关系. 发光学报, 2012, 33: 616-623. (EI)
赵俊杰, 段远源, 王晓东*, 王补宣. 纳米复合隔热材料辐射与导热耦合传热. 工程热物理学报, 2012, 33: 2185-2189. (EI)
王天虎, 王晓东*, 徐进良. 非等温耦合模型下大功率LED特性的研究. 工程热物理学报, 2012, 33: 647-650. (EI)
王智学, 王晓东*, 段远源*, 安宾. p-h热力学面上水和水蒸气热力性质快速计算. 工程热物理学报, 2012, 33: 1671-1674. (EI)
朱君悦, 闵琪, 段远源, 王晓东*. 硅油和丙三醇水溶液动态湿润特性实验研究. 工程热物理学报, 2010, 31: 1647-1650. (EI)
林林, 王晓东*, 张欣欣. 直通与交叉流场质子交换膜燃料电池瞬态特性. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2010, 42(3): 472-476. (EI)
闵琪, 段远源, 王晓东*. 聚乙二醇的纳米二氧化硅分散系动态湿润特性. 工程热物理学报, 2010, 31:385-388. (EI)
林林, 冯黛丽, 王晓东*, 张欣欣. 质子交换膜燃料电池流场设计最佳化的反问题求解方法. 北京科技大学学报, 2010, 32: 105-111. (EI)
Lu G, Peng X F, Wang X D*. An experimental investigation on spreading of droplets with evaporation and nucleation. Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 2009, 38: 40-50. (EI)
侯树鑫,段远源,王晓东*. 新型混合工质共沸点的判定与预测. 工程热物理学报, 2009, 30: 737-740. (EI)
闵琪,朱君悦,段远源,王晓东*. 吊片法动态湿润实验系统. 工程热物理学报, 2009, 30: 1459-1462. (EI)
吴延鹏, 王晓东*, 马重芳. 太阳能光催化-导光管北京夏季晴天降解甲醛的实验研究. 光学学报, 2008, 28: 2408-2415. (EI)
吴延鹏, 王晓东*, 张欣欣. 非牛顿幂律流体液滴铺展特性. 沈阳建筑大学学报, 2008, 24: 1060-1065. (EI)
杨立新, 王晓东*, 李升进, 张欣欣. 流道面积比与阴极流量对交叉型流道PEMFC性能的影响. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2008, 16: 900-910. (EI)
侯树鑫, 段远源, 王晓东*. 氢氟烃+润滑油混合物气液相平衡模型. 工程热物理学报. 2008, 29: 927-930. (EI)
王晓东*, 彭晓峰,张欣欣. 动态湿润过程中薄液膜厚度场的演化. 航空动力学报. 2007, 22: 1808-1813. (EI)
Wang Z, Peng X F, Wang X D*. Bubble behavior during boiling of subcooled binary mixtures on very thin wires. Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 2007, 36: 105-111. (EI)
Wang X D*, Peng X F, Wang B X. Effect of solid surface properties on dynamic contact angles. Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 2006, 35: 1-12. (EI)
王晓东*, 陆规, 彭晓峰, 张欣欣, 王补宣. 加热板上蒸发液滴动态特性的实验. 航空动力学报, 2006, 21: 1001-1007. (EI)
王晓东*, 彭晓峰, 张欣欣, 王补宣. 水平壁面上液滴吹离的临界风速. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2006, 14: 403-410. (EI)
Lin Z Y, Peng X F, Wang X D*. Oscillation characteristics of droplets on solid surfaces with air flow. Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 2006, 35: 13-19. (EI)
王珍, 彭晓峰, 王晓东*. 混合工质过冷核化沸腾气泡行为特性. 工程热物理学报, 2006, 27: 463-465. (EI)
王晓东, 彭晓峰*, 王补宣. 动态湿润与动态接触角的实验. 航空动力学报, 2005, 20: 214-218. (EI)
王晓东, 田勇, 彭晓峰*, 王补宣. 沸腾核心内部结构及其演化特性, 化工学报, 2005, 56: 812-815. (EI)
Tian Y, Wang X D*, Peng X F. Effects of molecule number on nucleate boiling in a system. Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 2005, 34: 258-264. (EI)
林志勇, 王晓东*, 彭晓峰. 外形分析-拟合求导法测接触角. 工程热物理学报, 2005, 26: 847-849. (EI)
Wang X D*, Peng X F, Lu J F, Liu T, Wang B X. Contact angle hysteresis on rough solid surfaces, Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 2004, 33: 201-210. (EI)
王晓东, 彭晓峰*, 李笃中. 粗糙表面上的移动接触线和动态接触角. 化工学报, 2004, 55: 402-407. (EI)
王晓东, 彭晓峰*, 闵敬春, 刘涛. 接触角滞后现象的理论分析. 工程热物理学报, 2002, 23: 67-70. (EI)
张端明*, 李源, 钟志成, 王晓东. 驻波超导波态的数值研究. 华中理工大学学报, 1998, 26: 99-101. (EI)
马卫东, 张端明*, 王世敏, 王晓东. 高取向KTN薄膜的PLD法制备研究. 华中理工大学学报, 1998, 26: 7-9. (EI)
薛晓东, 韩巍, 王晓东, 隋军. 适合分布式冷热电联供系统的中小型发电装置. 发电技术, 2020, 41: 252-260.
陆规, 王晓东*. 纳米流体动态湿润的格子-Boltzmann模拟. 热科学与技术 , 2018. 已接收
葛文凯, 王晓东*. 液滴在化学非均匀表面上铺展的格子Boltzmann方法模拟. 热科学与技术, 2016, 15 (4): 279-284.
于海童, 刘东, 段远源*, 王晓东. 气凝胶中遮光剂的辐射特性计算及优化设计. 宇航材料工艺, 2014, 44(1): 47-52.
闵琪, 段远源, 王晓东*, 朱君悦, 吴莘馨. 非牛顿流体液滴铺展过程的格子Boltzmann模拟. 热科学与技术, 2013, 12: 335-341.
陆规, 段远源*, 王晓东*. 纳米流体Rayleigh-Benard细胞流的格子-Boltzmann模拟. 热科学与技术, 2013, 12: 1-7.
杨传勇, 徐进良*, 王晓东, 张伟. 超临界二氧化碳水平管内层流混合对流换热数值模拟. 低温工程, 2012, 4: 24-29.
赵俊杰, 段远源*, 王晓东, 王补宣. 红外遮光剂颗粒的光学和辐射特性分析. 热科学与技术, 2012, 11: 283-288.
斯超, 王兵兵, 陈民, 段远源, 王晓东*. 分子动力学方法研究纳米尺度下液滴蒸发的物理规律. 热科学与技术, 2012, 11: 195-200.
陆规, 段远源, 王晓东*. 微米尺度结构特征对纳米材料热导率的影响. 宇航材料工艺, 2011, 41: 29-33.
陆规, 王晓东*, 段远源. 纳米孔隔热材料等效热导率的计算. 宇航材料工艺, 2011, 41: 1-6.
李雄威, 段远源, 王晓东*. SiO2气凝胶高温结构变化及其对隔热性能的影响. 热科学技术, 2011, 10: 189-193.
李德隆, 王晓东, 许心皓, 段远源*. 纸张表面墨膜蒸发与渗透干燥的耦合建模. 化学工程, 2009, 37: 1-4.
梁展鹏, 彭晓峰*, 王晓东. 霜晶形态演变过程的实验观测. 中国科技论文在线, 2008, 3: 558-561.
李升进, 楼国锋, 王晓东*, 张欣欣. 反应气相对湿度对PEMFC性能的影响. 电源技术, 2008, 32: 580-583.
李升进, 楼国锋, 王晓东*, 张欣欣. 蛇形挡板流道PEMFC性能分析. 电源技术, 2008, 32: 521-524.
陆规, 王晓东*, 彭晓峰. 核化沸腾液滴的铺展实验观察. 热科学技术, 2006, 5: 195-200.
王晓东*, 彭晓峰. ASME-ZSIS第2届国际热科学研讨会. 国际学术动态, 2005, 3: 42-43.
杨阳, 彭晓峰*, 王晓东, 王补宣. 水平方形管进口区域单面冷却凝结换热. 热科学技术, 2005, 4: 130-135.
林志勇, 彭晓峰*, 王晓东. 固体表面液滴在吹风作用下的振荡特性. 热科学技术, 2005, 4: 24-28.
林志勇, 彭晓峰*, 王晓东. 固体表面振荡液滴接触角演化. 热科学技术, 2005, 4: 141-145.
田勇, 王晓东*, 彭晓峰. 气液相变过程亚稳态体相内部界面分析. 工程热物理学报, 2004, 25: 100-102.
杨阳, 陆建峰, 王晓东*, 彭晓峰. 高雷诺数下降液膜流动换热分析. 工程热物理学报, 2004 ,25: 107-110.
王晓东*, 彭晓峰, 张端明. PLD法在透明石英单晶(100)基片上制备高取向KTN薄膜, 中国科学 G辑, 2004, 34: 430-438.
王晓东, 彭晓峰*, 李笃中. 动态接触角与接触线上的应力奇点. 中国科学 E辑, 2003, 33: 625-632.
王晓东, 田勇, 彭晓峰*. 气液相变的自聚集分析. 自然科学进展, 2003, 13: 281-286.
王晓东, 彭晓峰*. 动态接触角的初步分析. 工程热物理学报, 2003, 24: 472-474.
王晓东, 彭晓峰*, 陆建峰, 王补宣. 接触角测试技术及粗糙表面上接触角的滞后性, Ⅰ:接触角测试技术. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2003, 11: 174-184.
王晓东, 彭晓峰*, 陆建峰, 王补宣. 接触角测试技术及粗糙表面上接触角的滞后性, Ⅱ: 粗糙不锈钢表面接触角的滞后性. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2003, 11: 296-303.
王晓东, 彭晓峰*, 陆建峰, 刘涛, 王补宣. 粗糙表面接触角滞后现象分析. 热科学与技术, 2003, 2: 230-234.
王晓东, 彭晓峰*, 王补宣. 动态湿润与动态接触角研究进展. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2003, 11: 396-404.
闵敬春, 彭晓峰*, 王晓东. 竖壁上液滴的脱落直径. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2002, 10 :57-62.
Wang X D, Peng X F*, Min J C, Liu T. Hysteresis of contact angle at liquid-solid surface. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2001, 9: 343-353.
王晓东, 张端明*, 陈中军, 郑平, 张新宇, 王大智, 许德胜. 掺锰钛酸钡PTC陶瓷的制备工艺及其阻温特性研究. 功能材料, 1999, 30: 512-514.
张端明*, 郑平, 王晓东, 陈中军, 张新宇, 王大智, 许德胜. 掺锰钛酸钡PTC陶瓷复合材料介电特性的研究. 功能材料, 1999, 30: 509-511.
赵明, 张端明*, 郁伯明, 王晓东. 沉积岩孔隙结构的二维分形模型及两相流模拟. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 1998, 6: 7-11.
钟志成, 张端明*, 李源, 郁伯铭, 王晓东, 马卫东, 陈中军, 赵明. 行波超导波态的数值研究. 量子电子学报, 1999, 16: 265-268.
Xue X D, Han W*, Jin H G, Wang X D. The key role of thermochemical complementary utilization in the production of clean fuel from coal and solar energy. Proceedings of 29th SolarPACES conference, Sydney, Australia, 2023.
Wang Y B, Lan N, Zhang B X, Wang X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Impact of a nanodroplet on liquid surfaces. Proceedings of The 8th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Qingdao, China, 2021: No. ASCHT2021-367.
Wang Y B, Huang L F, Lan N, Wang S L, Zhang B X, Yang Y R, Wang X D*, Lee D J*. Heat transfer enhancement by electrohydrodynamics in wavy channels. Proceedings of The 8th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Qingdao, China, 2021: No. ASCHT2021-377.
Lu G, Duan Y Y, Wang X D*. Effects of free surface evaporation on water nano-droplet wetting kinetics: A molecular dynamics study. Proceedings of ASME 2013 4th International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, Hong Kong, China, 2013: No. MNHMT2013-22108. (EI)
Zhao J J, Duan Y Y*, Wang X D, Wang B X. Characteristics of extended evaporating meniscus on nanotextured rough solid substrate for Wenzel states. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, MECE2011, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2011: No. 62867. (EI)
Lu G, Duan Y Y, Wang X D*. Inner phase change behavior of small liquid droplet on heated solid surface. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, MECE2011, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2011: No. 63070. (EI)
Wu Y P*, Wang X D, Jin R D, Zhang W M, Ma C F. Photocatalytic degradation of formaldehyde by diffuser of solar light pipe coated with TiO2 under partly cloudy conditions in Beijing. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2008, 7160: 716012, Beijing, China. (EI)
Wu Y P, Wang X D*, Liu L, Ma C F. The effects of solar light pipes on room temperature in office buildings. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Modern Mining & Safety Technology, Coal Industry Publishing House, Beijing, China, 2008: 1091-1094. (ISTP BIG56)
Lu G, Peng X F, Wang X D*. Transitional boiling characteristics of an individual liquid droplet on the heated solid surface. Proceedings of International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nano-systems, Hainan,China, 2007: 903-907. (EI)
Lu G*, Peng X F, Wang X D. Spreading of droplets with evaporation and nucleation on solid surfaces. Proceedings of 9th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, Francisco, California, USA, 2006, vol.1: 65-72. (EI)
Wang X D*, Lu G, Peng X F, Wang B X. Evaporation and Nucleate Boiling of an Individual Droplet on Surfaces. Proceedings of the 2005 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Vol.4, San Francisco, USA, 2005: 703-710. (EI)
Lin Z Y, Peng X F, Wang X D*. Oscillation behavior of water droplets on solid surfaces. Proceedings of 2005 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, Houston, USA, 2005: 269-274. (EI)
Tian Y, Wang X D*, Peng X F. Characteristics of earlier nucleation for boiling in microchannels. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Microchannels and Minichannels , New York, USA, 2004: 595-599. (EI)
Peng X F*, Wang X D, Lee D J. Description of dynamic contact angle on a rough solid surface. Proceedings of the 2003 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 3, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2003:283-288. (EI)
Zhang D M*, Ma W D, Wang X D, Chen Z J, Xu D S, Zheng P, Huang M T, Zhao M J, Li Z H. Research of I-V characteristics of K(Ta0.65Nb0.35)O3 thin film prepared by pulsed laser. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Wuhan, 1999: 502-503. (EI)
Si C, Wang X D*, Duan Y Y, Yang Z. A Molecular dynamics investigation on evaporation of nano-droplet in motion. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Heat Transfer, Beijing, China, 2012, In press.
Wang X D*, Xu J L. Effect of flow filed designs on PEM fuel cell performance by numerical simulation. Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, Guangzhou, China, 2012: 525-529.
An B, Wang X D*, Wang Z X, Zhang X X, Duan Y Y. A rapid and cross-regional calculation method for the thermodynamic properties of water and steam using a quadratic spline interpolation function. Proceedings of 9th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Beijing, China, 2010, No. 109020.
Wang Z X, Wang X D*, An B, Zhang X X, Duan Y Y, Rapid and accurate calculation formula of thermodynamic properties g(T, p), h(T, p) and s(T, p) of water and steam, Proceedings of 9th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Beijing, China, 2010, No. 109021.
Min Q, Duan Y Y, Wang X D*, Liang Z P, Zhu J Y, Si C. Partial wetting dynamics of non-power law fluids on various solid substrates. Proceedings of 9th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Beijing, China, 2010, No. 109271.
Zhu J Y, Duan Y Y, Wang X D*, Min Q. Experimental research on the forced wetting dynamics of surfactant solutions based on the wilhelmy plate method. Proceedings of 9th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Beijing, China, 2010, No. 109270.
Wang X D, Duan Y Y, Yan W M*, Peng X F, Lu G.. Effects of Geometric Configuration on Local Transport Phenomena and Cell Performance of PEM Fuel Cells. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, Guangzhou, China, 2009: No. 266.
Min Q, Duan Y Y, Wang X D*. Dynamic wetting of quasi-power law aqueous solutions. Proceedings of Seventeenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, CO, USA, 2009: No. 379.
Liu H B, Wang X D*, Peng X F, Wang B X. Dynamics of a falling film on inclined surfaces. Proceedings of the Second international Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering, Beijing, China, 2005: 231-234.
Wang X D, Tian Y, Peng X F*, Wang B X. Self-aggregation of vapor-liquid phase transition and inner structure of a boiling nucleus. Proceedings of ASME-ZSIS International Thermal Science Seminar II, Bled, Slovenia, 2004: 603-610.
Wang X D*, Peng X F, Lee D J, Wang B X. Effect of solid surface property on dynamic wetting, Proceedings of 6th international Symposium of Heat Transfer, Beijing, China, 2004: 373-377.
焦丽丽, 易孟超, 王晓东, 高淑蓉*. 液滴撞击疏水/超疏水表面防/除冰技术研究进展. 第四届全国结冰与防除冰学术会议论文集. 四川: 中国空气动力研究与发展中心, 2020, 论文编号: ICING2020-C01.
黄凌峰, 王晓东*. 基于电流体动力效应的波状通道内强化换热. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 广州: 中国工程热物理学会, 2020, 论文编号: 203102.
焦丽丽, 王欣, 易孟超, 高淑蓉, 王晓东*. 液滴撞击楔形化学非均匀表面的定向反弹. 中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议论文集, 大连: 中国工程热物理学会, 2020, 论文编号: 206139.
王欣, 焦丽丽, 王晓东*. 双液滴撞击超疏水表面反弹的格子Boltzmann计算. 中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议论文集, 大连: 中国工程热物理学会, 2020, 论文编号: 206247.
王丹琪, 解芳芳, 王晓东*. 电场作用下纳米液滴在固体表面上合并诱导弹跳行为的分子动力学研究. 中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议论文集, 长沙: 中国工程热物理学会, 2019, 论文编号: 196273.
刘海波, 王晓东*. 变截面热电发电器性能的综合研究.中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 青岛: 中国工程热物理学会, 2019, 论文编号: 193345.
解芳芳, 王晓东*. 液桥区域表面结构变化对液滴合并弹跳的影响. 中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议论文集, 长沙: 中国工程热物理学会, 2019, 论文编号: 196113.
金喆, 李俊宁, 王晓东*. 纤维-遮光剂辐射特性理论模型研究. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 青岛: 中国工程热物理学会, 2019, 论文编号: 193047.
李樑, 樊桢, 冯志海, 王晓东*. 沥青基碳/碳复合材料热性质的多尺度模型. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 哈尔滨: 中国工程热物理学会, 2018, 论文编号: 183006.
张本熙, 陆规, 王晓东*. 电场作用下微结构表面润湿状态的转变:从Cassie态到Wenzel态. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 哈尔滨: 中国工程热物理学会, 2018, 论文编号: 183360.
朱吉锋, 王晓东*. 开孔对称波浪形微通道热沉传热性能研究. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 哈尔滨: 中国工程热物理学会, 2018, 论文编号: 183404.
林林, 张育逢, 孟境辉, 王晓东*. 新型双层分别式联合热电模型的性能优化研究. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 哈尔滨: 中国工程热物理学会, 2018, 论文编号: 183371.
斯超, 陆规, 王晓东*, 曹炳阳*, 樊桢, 冯志海. 不同类型缺陷对多层石墨烯内声子传递性质的影响:单因素分析. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 苏州: 中国工程热物理学会, 2017, 论文编号: 173213.
王艳红, 王晓东*. 润湿性对沸腾核化影响的分子动力学模拟. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 苏州: 中国工程热物理学会, 2017, 论文编号: 173680.
王艳红, 王晓东*. 液膜厚度和润湿性对纳米尺度薄液膜汽化方式转变的影响. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 苏州: 中国工程热物理学会, 2017, 论文编号: 173025.
解芳芳, 王晓东*. 基于MD模拟的不同大小液滴合并弹跳的研究. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 苏州: 中国工程热物理学会, 2017, 论文编号: 173644.
葛文凯, 王晓东*. 格子Boltzmann方法伪势模型状态方程参数优化. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 北京: 中国工程热物理学会, 2016, 论文编号: 163695.
张靖, 王晓东*.太阳能热电发电系统的性能研究. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 北京: 中国工程热物理学会, 2016, 论文编号: 163623.
斯超, 曹炳阳, 王晓东*, 樊桢, 冯志海. 多层石墨烯扭转应力下导热性能的分子动力学研究. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 北京: 中国工程热物理学会, 2016, 论文编号: 163366.
王兵兵, 王晓东*, 颜维谋, 王天虎. 液滴电合并行为的分子动力学研究. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 大连: 中国工程热物理学会, 2015, 论文编号: 153648.
王晶, 王晓东*, 段远源. p-s热力学面上水和水蒸气温度与焓的快速计算. 中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用学术会议论文集, 呼和浩特: 中国工程热物理学会, 2013, 论文编号: 131146.
王秋红, 王晓东*, 徐进良. 双层热电制冷器热电单元分布的优化. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 重庆: 中国工程热物理学会, 2013, 论文编号: 133473.
林林, 谷海强, 张欣欣, 王晓东*. 多孔微通道热沉流动与传热性能研究. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 重庆: 中国工程热物理学会, 2013, 论文编号: 133684.
林林, 陈杨杨, 王晓东*. 双层微通道热沉关键参数的优化. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 重庆: 中国工程热物理学会, 2013, 论文编号: 133472.
闵琪*, 段远源, 王晓东. 格子Boltzmann模型结合比容平移PR状态方程模拟真实流体. 高等学校工程热物理第十八届全国学术会议论文集, 广州: 高等学校工程热物理学会, 2012, 论文编号: B-120012.
斯超, 王兵兵, 陈民, 段远源, 王晓东*. 分子动力学方法研究纳米尺度下液滴蒸发的物理规律. 高等学校工程热物理第十八届全国学术会议论文集, 广州: 高等学校工程热物理学会, 2012, 论文编号: B-120016.
孙夺, 王晓东*, 段远源, 赵俊杰. 碳碳复合材料等效热导率建模. 高等学校工程热物理第十八届全国学术会议论文集, 广州: 高等学校工程热物理学会, 2012, 论文编号: B-120017.
赵俊杰, 段远源*, 王晓东, 王补宣, 红外遮光剂颗粒的光学和辐射特性分析. 高等学校工程热物理第十八届全国学术会议论文集, 广州: 高等学校工程热物理学会, 2012, 论文编号: B-120018.
陆规, 段远源*, 王晓东*. 纳米流体Rayleigh–Bénard细胞流的格子-Boltzmann模拟. 高等学校工程热物理第十八届全国学术会议论文集, 广州: 高等学校工程热物理学会, 2012, 论文编号: B-120019.
赵俊杰, 段远源*, 王晓东, 王补宣. 纳米隔热材料辐射与导热耦合传热. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 西安: 中国工程热物理学会, 2011, 论文编号: 113485.
孙夺, 王晓东, 段远源*, 赵俊杰. 气凝胶-遮光剂复合隔热材料辐射特性. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 西安: 中国工程热物理学会, 2011, 论文编号: 113487.
于海童, 段远源*, 王晓东, 赵俊杰. 气凝胶有效复折射系数和消光系数的理论计算模型. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 西安: 中国工程热物理学会, 2011, 论文编号: 113488.
林杰, 段远源, 王晓东, 赵俊杰. 二氧化硅气凝胶的气相热导率模型. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 西安: 中国工程热物理学会, 2011, 论文编号: 113486.
王天虎, 王晓东, 徐进良*. 非等温耦合模型下大功率LED特性的研究. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 西安: 中国工程热物理学会, 2011, 论文编号: 113072.
陆规, 段远源*, 王晓东*. 联箱形式对微通道热沉流动与传热性能的影响. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 西安: 中国工程热物理学会, 2011, 论文编号: 113483.
王智学, 王晓东*, 段远源, 安宾. 以p、h为独立变量的水和水蒸气热力性质快速计算. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集, 武汉: 中国工程热物理学会, 2011, 论文编号: 111191.
赵俊杰, 段远源*, 王晓东, 王补宣. 气凝胶微气孔中气体导热和辐射特性. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 上海: 中国工程热物理学会, 2010, 论文编号: 103429.
赵俊杰, 段远源*, 王晓东, 杨震, 王补宣. 热毛细力对核化沸腾中薄液膜蒸发的影响. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 上海: 中国工程热物理学会, 2010, 论文编号: 103428.
安宾, 王智学, 王晓东*, 段远源. 水和水蒸气密度的跨区域快速计算方法. 中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用学术会议论文集. 南京: 中国工程热物理学会, 2010, 论文编号: 101088.
闵琪, 斯超, 段远源*, 王晓东. 自然铺展与受迫湿润的对比研究. 中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用学术会议论文集. 南京: 中国工程热物理学会, 2010, 论文编号: 101090.
赵俊杰, 段远源*, 王晓东, 王补宣. 气凝胶复合隔热材料隔热优化. 第十届先进功能复合材料技术国防科技重点实验室学术交流会会议论文集, 西宁, 中国, 2010.
朱君悦, 闵琪, 段远源*, 王晓东. 牛顿流体动态湿润特性的吊片法实验研究. 中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用学术会议论文集. 大连: 中国工程热物理学会, 2009, 论文编号: 091211.
闵琪, 段远源, 王晓东. 聚乙二醇二氧化硅纳米颗粒分散体系的动态湿润特性. 中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用学术会议论文集. 大连: 中国工程热物理学会, 2009, 论文编号: 091212.
关磊, 王晓东*, 段远源, 张欣欣. 质子交换膜燃料电池微流道内液滴运动特性的数值研究. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 郑州: 中国工程热物理学会, 2008, 论文编号: 083528.
楼国锋*, 温治, 王晓东. CO激光照射混合气体分子间的能量传递. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 郑州: 中国工程热物理学会, 2008, 论文编号: 083459.
侯树鑫, 段远源*, 王晓东. 新型混合工质共沸点的判定与预测. 中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用学术会议论文集. 天津: 中国工程热物理学会, 2008, 论文编号: 081187.
闵琪, 朱君悦, 段远源*, 王晓东. 吊片法动态湿润实验系统. 中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用学术会议论文集. 天津: 中国工程热物理学会, 2008: 论文编号: 081184.
侯树鑫*, 段远源, 王晓东. 氢氟烃+润滑油混合物气液相平衡模型. 中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用学术会议论文集. 绍兴: 中国工程热物理学会, 2007, 论文编号: 071164.
高波, 彭晓峰*, 王晓东. 污泥干燥过程中裂纹的实验研究. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 北京: 中国工程热物理年会, 2005: 1415-1418.
王珍, 彭晓峰*, 王晓东. 混合工致过冷核化沸腾气泡行为特性. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 北京: 中国工程热物理年会, 2005: 478-481.
梁展鹏, 彭晓峰*, 王晓东. 霜晶形态演变过程的实验研究. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 北京: 中国工程热物理年会, 2005: 494-497.
徐杰, 王晓东, 彭晓峰*. 非晶体物质融凝过程动态液固界面特性. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 北京: 中国工程热物理年会, 2005:486-489.
刘宏波, 王晓东, 彭晓峰*. 倾斜表面流动液膜动力特性分析. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 吉林: 中国工程热物理学会, 2004, 528-531.
林志勇, 王晓东, 彭晓峰*. 外形分析-拟合求导法测接触角. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 吉林: 中国工程热物理学会, 2004, 1033-1036.
杨阳, 陆建锋*, 王晓东, 彭晓峰. 高雷诺数降液膜流动换热分析. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 北京: 中国工程热物理学会, 2003. 374-377.
王晓东*, 彭晓峰. 动态接触角的初步分析. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 上海: 中国工程热物理学会, 2002: 201-204.
田勇*, 王晓东, 彭晓峰. 气液相变过程中亚稳态体相内部的界面分析. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 上海: 中国工程热物理学会, 2002. 209-212.
闵敬春*, 彭晓峰, 王晓东. 竖壁上液滴的脱落直径. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 青岛: 中国工程热物理学会, 2001. 337-341.
王晓东*, 彭晓峰, 闵敬春. 水平壁面上液滴吹离的临界风速. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 青岛: 中国工程热物理学会, 2001: 332-336.
王晓东, 彭晓峰*, 闵敬春. 粗糙表面液固接触角的滞后现象. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议论文集. 济南: 中国工程热物理学会, 2000: 148-150.
王晓东*, 李升进, 张欣欣, 彭晓峰, 颜维谋. 流道面积比对三维直通流道质子交换膜燃料电池性能与传递特性的影响. 高等学校工程热物理年会学术会议论文集, 西安: 高等学校工程热物理学会, 2007.
陆规, 王晓东*, 彭晓峰. 核化沸腾液滴的铺展实验观察. 高等学校工程热物理年会学术会议论文集, 重庆: 高等学校工程热物理学会, 2006: 320-325.
杨阳, 彭晓峰*, 王晓东, 王补宣. 水平方形管进口区域单面冷却凝结换热-凝结形态观察. 高等学校工程热物理年会学术会议论文集, 哈尔滨: 高等学校工程热物理学会, 2005: 405-410.
杨阳, 彭晓峰*, 王晓东, 王补宣. 水平方形管进口区域单面冷却凝结换热-传热机理分析. 高等学校工程热物理年会学术会议论文集, 哈尔滨: 高等学校工程热物理学会, 2005: 411-415.
林志勇, 彭晓峰*, 王晓东. 固体表面液滴在吹风作用下的振荡特性. 高等学校工程热物理年会学术会议论文集, 哈尔滨: 高等学校工程热物理学会, 2005: 427-432.
林志勇, 彭晓峰*, 王晓东. 固体表面振荡液滴接触角演化. 高等学校工程热物理年会学术会议论文集, 哈尔滨: 高等学校工程热物理学会, 2005: 433-438.
王晓东*, 彭晓峰, 陆建峰, 王补宣. 粗糙表面接触角滞后现象分析. 高等学校工程热物理年会学术会议论文集, 合肥: 高等学校工程热物理学会, 2003: 811-816.