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微信图片_20250324115445.jpg祝开麒   中国科学院理化技术研究所助理研究员



  • 质子交换膜燃料电池

  • 多尺度流动传热

  • 氢燃料电池


1. 国家重点研发计划项目,质子交换膜燃料电池与氢基内燃机混合发电系统技术,起止日期:2022.12-2026.11.(主要参与人)

2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,多能互补的协同转化与能势耦合机制,起止日期:2021.01-2025.12.(主要参与人)


1. Zhu K Q, Ding Q, Zhang B X, Xu J H, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wan Z M*, Wang X D*. An integrated experimental and numerical investigation of performance and heat-mass transport dynamics in air-cooled PEMFCs with a bamboo-shaped flow field design. Applied Energy, 2025, 377: 124484.

2. Zhu K Q, Ding Q, Zhang B X, Xu J H, Li D D, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wan Z M*, Wang X D*. Performance enhancement of air-cooled PEMFC stack by employing tapered oblique fin channels: Experimental study of a full stack and numerical analysis of a typical single cell. Applied Energy, 2024, 358: 122595.

3. Zhu K Q, Ding Q, Zhang B X, Xu J H, Yang Y R, Lee D J, Wan Z M*, Wang X D*. Evaluation of performance and mass transfer characteristics by applying oblique fin flow field to air-cooled PEMFCs under different ambient conditions. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2023, 60: 103517.

4. Zhu K Q, Ding Q, Xu J H, Yang Y R, Yang C, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Huang T M, Yan W M, Wan Z M*, Wang X D*. Optimization of gas diffusion layer thickness for proton exchange membrane fuel cells under steady-state and load-varying conditions. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 267: 115915.

5. Zhu K Q, Ding Q, Xu J H, Chen Y, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Huang T M, Wan Z M*, Wang X D*. Dynamic performance for a kW-grade air-cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47: 35398-35411.